Not available on any of the big streaming services without paying a fee
3.45 hours long for the ultimate cut
3.45 hours long for the ultimate cut
Who has watched this film? What did you think of it?
Despite the of Alexander I still enjoyed it.
A piff scene brehs!!
Alexander: The Final Cut is the best version imo.
@the old mongoose
@My Girl is Bow Legged
@Optimus Prime
@Big dikk
@Norrin Radd
@Tryna Makit
@Roid Jones
@Drew Wonder
@Chip Skylark
@DJ Paul's Arm
@Eric Brooks
@The Hierophant
@Sterling Archer
@Crayola Coyote
@42 Monks
@Ari Gold Bawse
@Master Teacher
He followed it up with the black dahlia idk what or if he even made a movie after that I think about it i think he directed savages?rosario was wonderful and really, it is hard for oliver stone to make something that isnt at least worth a watch. that being said, this was a low point and a sign that oliver was pretty much done
last movie of his that i remember getting hollywood promotion was that wall street sequel and i ended up only seeing bits and pieces of that. from that point on, i think of him as doing political stuff that i wasnt really checking forHe followed it up with the black dahlia idk what or if he even made a movie after that I think about it i think he directed savages?
Any Given SundayWhats the last good movie Oliver Stone directed?
4 different cutsIt was like several cuts of this too