Now you was a teen in 1986The Rastas was smoking extra long filled blunts in places like Blue Mountain (jamaca) and westmorland (jamaica) where the Nyambhingi tribe out of hatred for the King James bible would roll blunts with Bible scripture pages back in the 1960s
When the Rasta dreads migrated to Miami and NYC via the Gullymen ..the Shower posse and Spangler it influenced the African Americans who did business with them
I know of this cause I was a teen in 1986 watching this happen
American blacks was still Smoking spliffs
So, you didn't know about car culture in NYC around the same time, but you knew about weed smoking when weed smoking was highly illegal?
You are so phony!
And it was crack, and coke, that them rastas was smoking in Brooklyn, and they used cigars to hold it cause it would melt, I heard it was used to get them off the pipe. This is what I heard, and its probably true, because why did blunts only get big around that time? No talk about it before that era.
Nobody was smoking blunts in any other places, if they did it would have been talked about. Only NYC rappers talked on it. The earliest was Big Daddy Kane, and a few others.
And NO, ADOS weren't smoking spliffs, that is weed mixed with tobacco, the term came with west indians as they are part of English culture. That is a london way of smoking. ADOS just smoked joints.
And Nyabinghi was heavy on the chalice, and large Bob Marley joints, not cigar or tobacco smoking. You should know this, but you are fronting. Before blunt smoking, Rastas were NOT heavy on the tobacco smoke. They used corn husk if anything. Like I said it was cocaine that changed everything!
Rastas were here BEFORE "gullymen", and helped bring the weed in abundance, but Blunts did not come fro Jamaica, it came from a mix of rastas smoking other things besides joint paper, and them starting to smoke coke/crack, in NYC.
You didn't know that because you didn't read it!
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