Don’t let the magic go
Your soul needs it
I'm not saying there's no magic, it's just that as you get older, you know how much work relationships are.
When you're younger, a crush means falling hard with no or little evidence of what your life with this person will actually be like. You crush on a girl because she's pretty and you have this assumption of what she could be in your life.
Once you get older, you realize the foolishness of making that assumption without getting to know some one or dating them. You break up with people you think you'd be great with because they won't grow, won't communicate well, don't want kids while you do, whatever. And if you've dated someone long enough, you also know people change & you have to grow with & love different versions of the same individual. And hope your timing lines up as you both evolve.
Basically, having a crush is at odds with understanding these things. Because ultimately, it's exceedingly difficult to find a person that you can love & grow with while negotiating different expectations and needs.
I've fallen hard for women I never had crushes on BECAUSE my expectations started to grow and become more positive as we've gotten to know each other & date.