Old white women warned to stop coming for Sex to Gambia

Mar 11, 2022
@getmoney310cpt dapping a Viagra pill popping, coke snorting cac troll’s comment knowing damn well that he has his own post in JBO about fukking a Mexican girl as she vomits on him and simping a racist cac 4kkklan prostitute for $5 handjobs. Keep fukking playing with me, knowing how this turned out the last time. Are you dumb?
:dahell: :deadrose:
Fickle as shyt - he’ll cosign a cac poster but up in other threads talking about “fuk cacs”. Dudes that be repping and dapping you but secretly plotting for demise Bc of comments that he didn’t like from 3 yrs ago and running off his favorite white bytch - bipolar m’fer 😭 harboring covert grudges 😭 I know you bet not considering your past history - people stay bringing wrath on themselves. And since that that white boy alt can’t @LeaveBlackPeopleAlone - he’s been overdue to have his account exposed😈



Mar 26, 2017
Just because there's isn't any digital documents on something, does not mean it doesn't happen or hasn't been happening.
I remember telling people about race play and slave play about a decade ago.
They couldn't believe that there are Black women who seek out white partners to degrade them racially during sex, and in general.
Now, a decade later, that cat is out of the bag.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
I remember telling people about race play and slave play about a decade ago.
They couldn't believe that there are Black women who seek out white partners to degrade them racially during sex, and in general.
Now, a decade later, that cat is out of the bag.
Technically both groups participate in slave play (bw and bm). But, people make up shyt all the time to support an agenda and a lot don’t do fact checking and take them at their word. I don’t. Unless I see information verifying what your saying, I don’t believe you. You were the only breh to post what could constitute as evidence. No one else has—and no one has produced anything substantial speaking to bw participating it nearly as much as the other groups—but that’s a separate topic.

Old and middle aged White women, white men, black men, and the black women who do this could have sex in this country. Are they traveling because it’s cheap, to explore a fetish or kink? Do they care about the poverty and desperation, STDs, unsanitary nature of sleeping with these people? I don’t know anyone who’s ever participated in this or who’s gone overseas to pull someone either for sex or as a partner so I find this just desperate, degenerate behavior. People should know better.


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
Some of the men can earn £200 for one day’s work which is equivalent to an average month’s salary in The Gambia.
They need to fix this and dudes won’t see it as profitable.


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
The attraction thus easy money destroyed the economical and social fabric of these coastlands town and cities: cats don't wanna work anymore, go to school; they bounce on their family, etc.

Of course, the gov. should fix the issue. But it's a good thing to stop letting the country be a giant brothel.

It's a good decision.
It’s need to be replaced at the same time.

The rent is due and old English is in queue :wow:


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
Okay so to those who quoted me, I’m getting ready to unleash an arsenal of who is participating in sex tourism with actual published information not a book or movie or words from y’all:

Here we fukking go:

Black Men and Sex Tourism in Brazil

This is what I’m looking for—for those of you saying that isn’t well documented or it’s not talked about as much when women do it, I found a bevy of articles about the women who do it, in a simple google search. I can post more of them if y’all want.

when you all are incapable of providing actual evidence outside of a movie that isn’t even centered on sex tourism btw it’s hard to see what your saying as credible. Without evidence I don’t believe you.

I’m not just going to take your word for it, or your own interpretations and personal examples of what y’all believe count. I’m looking for actual research or information and if it’s happening at all, then it actually shouldn’t be hard to find research on bw going to these countries to participate in sex tourism. No one has provided evidence. Just a movie and book about one woman in the nineties lol
Black women go to parts of Italy like the Amalfi Coast, or parts of Greece... Two of the poorest southern European countries... I wouldn't call it "sex tourism", because I'd never expect a woman to pay for sex. However, let's not live in a fantasy world. They go where they feel they will be sexually accepted. Continue on your crusade though, I definitely don't want to hold you back from the ego feeding.

African Peasant

Oct 18, 2014
It’s need to be replaced at the same time.

The rent is due and old English is in queue :wow:
It can't unfortunately be replaced at the same time. Developing a country take years. And you can't develop your country when a big segment of the most active group of your population, young men, is being lured into prostitution.


May 1, 2012
Short of blocking visas for washed white women they haven't dealt with the issue. These are not romantic relationships they are transactional. These are prostitutes. What have they done to replace their income source? Nothing.

So ultimately its just lip service. The actual issue hasn't been addressed. The disparity in income that is being exploited by those who know they can.

Dollar Always Wins

and it works both ways.

Ain't just the men going travelling abroad to smash.... :whistle:


May 4, 2016
Compton CA/Rosecrans Ave
Thats all you have- 1 line out of 45k or whatever my post count is.

Bytch you posted 5011 times about simping for a meth addicted white bytch who used the word n—er and a Mexican whore throwing up on you as she sat on a toilet.

Do the fuk better or at least have more than one of my comments to retort with, fukkin cuck brokebuck slaveplaying faggit. Never seen you exposed not one cac poster but you’ll pull up with one try hard line that no one has reacted to in 2 years that gets pulled up every time I son and stunt on you. Shut the fuk up. Literally 70% of your post history is backing @biscuitsnbangers the white nationalist or IR cuck playing. I know YOU don’t want these types of problems.

Isn’t this the racist bytch’s account that you caped for? Over a 4 year span??

I guess you found the fuk out about what she REALLY THINKS about you, dumbass - this is who you lusted over and the “pink toe” who you enabled: (@biscuitsnbangers Twitter ):

Damn b- I know you gotta feel used and stupid as shyt.

Dumb fuk said he would pay $250 for a white chick named Danielle aka Biscuits to call him the hard -ER word for fetish purposes. And after all of your c00nery, beta babble, cac backing simpery, you still didn’t get chose - a meth head bytch still curved you - how fukked up your mental must be and how delusional you are.
:deadrose: :what::mjlol:

And she’s pregnant with her Aryan Supremacist boyfriend’s seed. I know you’re not mentioning me when this is who you compromised your account running after. You lost your shyt simping hard for this bytch.

Amazing how the energy that you had for me, manifested in the cac that you supported - especially considering that the Pedo bytch had an abortion after a teen knocked her up 2 years ago and now is an unmarried expectant mother to the Boston KKK chapter of Racist Redditors. Fast forward to 2022. That karma pain is a bytch ain’t it
:patrice: :wow:

  1. [IMG alt="getmoney310cpt"]https://www.thecoli.com/data/avatars/s/29/29740.jpg?1631633094[/IMG]

    Single mom before the baby is even born..., why do these women continue to make poor decisions.

    If you are really a bytch you must want to suck my dikk..ok bytch you can suck my dikk I might give your kid lunch money if you swallow bytch..where your baby daddy at bytch why he nut in you and get ghost..why are you raising your child by yourself..why did you bring a child in this world only...
You stay getting hemmed up by cacs- focusing on the wrong shyt. Isn’t this also ya bytch??aka the banned poster @NotaPAWG

Don’t you ever mention me, Your coli credibility is on NONE status.

Hold up- weren’t you also one of the members who got caught in @Thotxic gate 2022 scandal lusting after a male, simping to put your key in a shim ignition? Shyt got So hot that a mod had to come through with the street sweeper to delete and avoid any further exposure for you and yours a few months ago.
Your post track record is shyt- the audacity of you @‘ing me.

Oh ok


Mar 26, 2017
Just because there's isn't any digital documents on something, does not mean it doesn't happen or hasn't been happening.
I remember telling people about reace play and slave play about a decade ago.
They couldn't believe that there are Black women who seek out white partnrs to degrade them racially during
Technically both groups participate in slave play (bw and bm). But, people make up shyt all the time to support an agenda and a lot don’t do fact checking and take them at their word. I don’t. Unless I see information verifying what your saying, I don’t believe you. You were the only breh to post what could constitute as evidence. No one else has—and no one has produced anything substantial speaking to bw participating it nearly as much as the other groups—but that’s a separate topic.

Old and middle aged White women, white men, black men, and the black women who do this could have sex in this country. Are they traveling because it’s cheap, to explore a fetish or kink? Do they care about the poverty and desperation, STDs, unsanitary nature of sleeping with these people? I don’t know anyone who’s ever participated in this or who’s gone overseas to pull someone either for sex or as a partner so I find this just desperate, degenerate behavior. People should know better.

These people may be poor but they make themselves presentable.
It's not like these sex workers are looking and smelling like Thriller zombies.
A lot of them work at the resorts or local clubs and restaurants.
The working girls in South America and the Caribbean are attractive by any standard.
When I was in the DR, the chicks that approached my and my homie looked and dressed like IG models (we didn't do anything with them).
Blew away my preconceived notions.

To answer your question, people travel for sex because it's cheaper than buying it in the US, sex work is not considered taboo like it is here, and it allows you some freedom.
The same reason people get wild on Spring Break or a girls trip. You can wild out a lil more when nobody knows who you are.
Overall, people are going to do what they wanna do, especially when it comes to sex.
The Red Light District in Amsterdam will forever pop.
For the life of me, I cannot fathom why a woman would let nikkas run a train on her. But it happens all the time.
I also cant fathom why in the world a group of nikkas would huddle up to fukk one girl all at the same time.
I leave people alone. As long as they're grown and a willing participant, I let 'em cook.:manny:
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Low End Derrick

May 8, 2014
Interesting. So cac men and cac women participate in sex tourism… I’m curious—if Brehs, cac men, and cac women are going to other countries to have cheap sex, are bw also doing this? I never hear about bw, Asians, or Latinos traveling to poor countries to get sex. Curious about what is compelling wm, ww and bm to go to third world countries for sex, over other groups.

Also those old white women look fat, wrinkly, ugly, stinky =disgusting.

Brehs must be down real bad for money to resort to sex with them. I would be ashamed of myself—this is sad. I’m glad the government or putting a stop to this. It’s absolutely disgusting for people to come to these places and exploit people in poverty.

Edited: since y’all can’t understand the difference between going to a poor country and having casual sex but not traveling there specifically for that reason, iversus traveling to these countries specifically for sex, and then paying poor residents, prostitutes/sex workers/to sleep with them, knowing these men and women are sleeping with them because they need their $.

Note: sex tourism as I understand it is traveling to poor countries and paying poor men and women, sex workers, prostitutes to fukk or providing financial incentives to these poor residents for sex.

This is what these old white women are doing (unless y’all are saying these men are willingly sleeping with these old women for free).

Again having casual sex is different from paying for it or getting male and female prostitutes/escorts. There’s a level of exploitation in the latter.

Stella got her groove back was a movie and book based on a true story of one women in the nineties who didn’t even go to the carribean with the intention to get cheap dikk or exploit the males in that country for sex. There’s a difference between paying for cheap sex via escorts and prostitutes with poor residents in these countries, versus meeting while your out and fukking them and not paying for it.

I’ve never seen any actual evidence or articles presently about bw paying for male prostitutes/tricking on poor bm for sex or participating in sex tourism. They are not traveling to these countries primarily for sex and to exploit poor sex workers.

Do you have evidence of a substantial amount of black American paying for poor male escorts and prostitutes for sex in these countries presently? I’d like to see it.

I’ve yet to see any studies or research or accounts from people in these countries speaking on bw doing this.

@Booksnrain have you see anything in your research or heard about this?
