it really isnt compared to other shyt you can have... there statistics that 80% or more has herpes type 1, which is a cold sore... people just dont have outbreaks, it stays dormant... same goes for type 2, genital herpes.... some people have it on there lip, some on there dikk... same shyt but yes i wouldnt want it cuz it gives easier access for you to get other stds cuz the skin is broken.... if your married and you and your wife have it, both of you should give zero fukks.But you saying it's not a big deal ...breh? I can't imagine
yup u are right, u can still get it through that time, youve done some reading... do more reading and follow that but like i mentioned earlier, during the time there is a blister is a time where its the highest time you can catch it.what about that "shedding" shyt i read about? they say ppl dont kno when they shed
yup u are right, u can still get it through that time, youve done some reading... do more reading and follow that but like i mentioned earlier, during the time there is a blister is a time where its the highest time you can catch it.
ive heard you can catch it by sharing drinks so its smart not to share a drink if you really are worrried, chances would be very low but dont risk it i guess... everything else you mentioned u will not get.. you really need skin on skin contact... mosty mucus membrane on mucus membrane is where it thrives, like the lips and genetal areas... athletes like wrestlers get it in other body parts cuz there rubing agianst eachothers skin like crazy.So what if you share locker rooms with someone? Wear their hoopin' shorts or lay in their bed with skin exposed? Or someone spends the night and uses one of your bath towels?
...My guy (slang for homeboy - I'm straight) crashed at my crib for a while and I bought him separate bath towels, I washed them in hot water when he left.
I always thought he had something but he's still my homeboy and people make mistakes.
I'm rambling but this herpes talk is giving me the geebies, I'm thinking about three of my dudes who rumored to have it...I stopped sharing drinks, smokes, towels, women...errthang. I even wash my hands if we give each other dap.
Isn't it kind of hard for a male to get it through heterosexual sex?
Yup, I met and courted a girl from South Dallas, who was born with it cuz of her junkie mom.
We never had sex, and I asked her if she is a virgin and she said no.
Thats all I really needed to know