Call maori/Polynesian "cacs" brehsDamn. Reaching at it's greatest level.
As has already been stated, it's a playful term here in Aotearoa (New Zealand). Any damn reason to get in an uproar about.
Adams ain't no CAC either. He's polynesian. Talk to any white person here and we damn sure aren't counted as one of theirs.
Whether he knew it or not. He should have known not to say no shyt like that. He's in America now with plenty of black people paying his paycheck.
He already apologized, but I'd like to see full dialog on why that shyt was wrong to say, so other people won't make the mistake again.
So instead of using the moment to educate the uneducated.Except, if you weren't completely illiterate and looking for something to complain about, then you would realize how he was using the word. He didn't need to come out and say shyt, and he sure as hell doesn't need to give a full dialogue so he doesn't hurt your feelings.. Keep being illiterate and looking to play victim.
This was right after the game, in the moment, and said something that every sensible person would not be offended by, no matter the race. Use your brain instead of crying about absolutely nothing.
So instead of using the moment to educate the uneducated.
You'd like to use it to randomly insult me
You black breh?
It doesn't matter how he was using it.He was CLEARLY using it in a way to describe quickness, not the color of their skin.
It's a simple yes or no. Was that how you believe he was using the word?
Defend a non-black player calling black players "little monkeys" on national TV because he plays for your team brehs. Defend "little monkeys" as a playful term brehs.
It doesn't matter how he was using it.
It was a poor choice of words due to the history of the country he is in. Wouldn't be right for me to go elsewhere and use American slang if it is offensive to the people where I'm at.
All I said was that we should talk about it so he and others fully understand the issue.
You decided to attack me.
Same thing happens to black people all the time in this country. We are unalowed to air out grievances. We are supposed to take everything in stride, laugh it off, and keep our mouths shut. Otherwise we are viscouslly attacked.
I'd expect your behavior from a cac or a foreigner, but if you are a black Americanat you.
There are hundreds of years of CONTEXT attached to the word.Context DOES matter, and just because you don't think it does, it doesn't make you correct here. Context means everything, and it's clear as day how he meant it. You are reaching to have a reason to complain, period. It would be different if he used it ib a racist manner, but he was very clearlt using it to describe quickness. You just want to have a reason to complain and play victim. You aren't alone, but that's the truth. There was nothing wrong with his statement or choice of words.