Oh shyt, so they have "Scandal" Viewing Parties now? (photos included)


New Negress on The Block
Sep 8, 2013

You quoted me while I was replying to someone else and then say my post wasn't related to your response. Well bytch, I wasn't even talking to you in the first place. Once you and I began a conversation, my replies stayed on topic to whatever point you were trying to make.

It wasn't. You are a simpleton. You tried to accuse him saying something that wasn't in his post. You replies did not stayed on topic, you started talking about other shyt. You did not give me a response stating where did you find in his post that he was accusing all black women in relationship with white men of being bedwenches. You started talking about other shyt I did not ask, but I guess you couldn't give me an appropriate answer because you realize you were wrong. I ask you a simple ass question. But bytches like you will continue to talk about some other shyt that has nothing to do with the post at hand. So I expect your reply to once again be about some shyt I did not ask.

Coco Loco

The Chocolate One with the Gold Cuffs
Aug 10, 2012
Let's be honest,
History and fairy tales are two different things, most of us understand how powerful imagery can be. If you like the show(speaking in general to everyone who does), like it but don't get emotional when one points out faults about the show because there are many, you cannot deny how this show feeds the ego and fukks with the mental on many levels, it's has nothing to do with being weak or not, we know when we see bullshyt, i can't speak for every male on here but I care to see my fellow sisters in a right light, and not just seeking validity or false fairy tales.

People's views on the show don't affect my views on it. I fully understand the points some are making regarding the mistress being a black woman but I know why I watch and what I like about the show and they have nothing to do with race or subjugation.

The only way it can feed an ego is if that ego doesn't believe this is to some a reality. I grew up, currently live in DC and work where political scandals are abound regardless of race. Anyone can be next on that summer jam screen therefore the race issue is moot for me but I get it and fully understand it. Perhaps that is why my responses are so unmoved. Switch out the races and all of this will still exist so to harp on and to get bent out of shape in regards to a show about what happens everyday in this city because the main character is a black woman being the mistress to a powerful white man is just not something I'll do. Countless Black women have been mistresses for years but I find it funny how people started to care in April of 2012.


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
Keep being some destructive misogynist with no knowledge of self or of the precolonial Africa in which you originated from before European influence. Stay that way so you never even realize and have to accept the fact that men are the 'rulers' of women is a thought process you learned from your white daddy about how he treats his women and is not inherently African. :mjpls:


You trying to suggest that pre-colonial African societies in general wernt patriarchal? :patrice:


Jun 23, 2012
It wasn't. You are a simpleton. You tried to accuse him saying something that wasn't in his post. You replies did not stayed on topic, you started talking about other shyt. You did not give me a response stating where did you find in his post that he was accusing all black women in relationship with white men of being bedwenches. You started talking about other shyt I did not ask, but I guess you couldn't give me an appropriate answer because you realize you were wrong. I ask you a simple ass question. But bytches like you will continue to talk about some other shyt that has nothing to do with the post at hand. So I expect your reply to once again be about some shyt I did not ask.

Wrong? It's opinions in this thread. How are you judging right or wrong, Jesus?

Busted toes came in making some bed wench comments. In repsonse to that I said "yeah yeah yeah white men don't respect black women" or some shyt like that. Son came in a started talking about the historical relationship between BW/WM; this that and the third, basically reinforcing the bed wench mentality that's been flying around this thread from the jump(that's how I took it at least) Then you came in from no where, stanceless, spewing that hot bullshyt you spewing and now here we are.

You were a toilet made baby.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Listen to me...Shut up.

You and others like you are basing your opinon on some generic issue you have with the black woman white man relationship and maybe television in general I'm not sure. My opininon is based on THIS show and the dynamic between the two characters. It is not one of bed wenchery, it's two people who acted on feelings they shouldn't have and basically got caught slipping and are trying to find a way out of it. Again, I'm not advocating for any woman to involve themselves with a married man but BASED ON THIS SHOW, that I've actually watched, I see how the fukk it went down and they have genuine feelings for each other. Race is not even a consideration.

Now if you're going to paint every BW/WM relationship with the same big stupid, generic ass brush(especially a ficticious one)...go right ahead. Jesus will still love you. But don't try to denouce my blackness, call me brain washed and accuse me of wanting to fukk white men just because I like a damn television show. That's the part pisses me off. How could you come to such a solid conclusion based one thing? It's just stupid.

Wait...wait...we're getting off topic here. I never mentioned you personally in my response. I was simply using your back-handed statement as a template.

I'm NOT calling your "blackness" into question. What I AM calling into question is the sentiment behind your statement that had NOTHING to do with the topic of the show. YET has everything to do with WHY many black women watch it...the chance to watch in primetime the steamy, sultry goings-on between a powerful white male and the supposed "powerful" black female....match made in Heaven.

I am NOT saying that you want to get with white men simply because you watch the show. What I do find curious is the seeming love affair that black women have with this character knowing FULL WELL that her position is not desirable or commendable in any fasion. And yes, I'll admit it, I do believe that the pill is easier to swallow for SOME black women because she's in this situation with a powerful white male who happens to be the president.

I say this because I know, without a shadow of doubt, that if the races were inverted on these characters, then black women, in general, would have a much bigger problem with the EXACT SAME CHARACTER IN THE EXACT SAME CONTEXT DOING THE EXACT SAME THING!

Think about how many black women try to highlight all of her strong suits (power broker, educated, business owner, sexually confident, etc) while either downplaying and/or dismissing the one crucial element to the whole show...HER AFFAIR WITH THE MARRIED PRESIDENT! And let's not forget the huge pink elephant in the room, which is race! I ask, would they justify this situation just as much if she were sleeping with a black man? Or would she all of the sudden be a slut?

If anybody feels I'm putting extras on the black female response and they are "simply watching a great show", then I pose this simple question:

If Fitz were a Black male cheating on his lovely Michelle Obamaesque black wife with a power broker, educated, business owner White woman, would you support the show just as fiercely?




New Negress on The Block
Sep 8, 2013
Wrong? It's opinions in this thread. How are you judging right or wrong, Jesus?

Busted toes came in making some bed wench comments. In repsonse to that I said "yeah yeah yeah white men don't respect black women" or some shyt like that. Son came in a started talking about the historical relationship between BW/WM; this that and the third, basically reinforcing the bed wench mentality that's been flying around this thread from the jump(that's how I took it at least) Then you came in from no where, stanceless, spewing that hot bullshyt you spewing and now here we are.

You were a toilet made baby.

I guess reading comprehension is not something you're good at. Where did I imply your opinion was wrong. You were wrong in accusing him of saying something he did not say. You are dumbass. An idiot. A simpleton. If you bytches would just cut off the TV and tune into books like you do Scandal, we would not be having this problem. The fukk? I'm in utter disbelief I never met a bytch as dumb as you. #ICANT. You on ignore. The bytch been peeping round the bush forever. Do you ever give a straight out answer. I feel like I'm arguing with an idiot


May 1, 2012
That's the point you are missing and why you are an idiot. :snoop: The subtle programming is suggesting that black men and black women aren't successful with each other. Only with others. Lol well I can make the assumption that you aren't an imagery analyst in the military.

breh your opinions outside of sports can be very on point but while talking about sports its :mindblown: lol


Jun 23, 2012
I guess reading comprehension is not something you're good at. Where did I imply your opinion was wrong. You were wrong in accusing him of saying something he did not say. You are dumbass. An idiot. A simpleton. If you bytches would just cut off the TV and tune into books like you do Scandal, we would not be having this problem. The fukk? I'm in utter disbelief I never met a bytch as dumb as you. #ICANT. You on ignore. The bytch been peeping round the bush forever. Do you ever give a straight out answer. I feel like I'm arguing with an idiot
Fill your pockets with rocks and walk into a river.