Listen to me...Shut up.
You and others like you are basing your opinon on some generic issue you have with the black woman white man relationship and maybe television in general I'm not sure. My opininon is based on THIS show and the dynamic between the two characters. It is not one of bed wenchery, it's two people who acted on feelings they shouldn't have and basically got caught slipping and are trying to find a way out of it. Again, I'm not advocating for any woman to involve themselves with a married man but BASED ON THIS SHOW, that I've actually watched, I see how the fukk it went down and they have genuine feelings for each other. Race is not even a consideration.
Now if you're going to paint every BW/WM relationship with the same big stupid, generic ass brush(especially a ficticious one)...go right ahead. Jesus will still love you. But don't try to denouce my blackness, call me brain washed and accuse me of wanting to fukk white men just because I like a damn television show. That's the part pisses me off. How could you come to such a solid conclusion based one thing? It's just stupid.
Wait...wait...we're getting off topic here. I never mentioned you personally in my response. I was simply using your back-handed statement as a template.
I'm NOT calling your "blackness" into question. What I AM calling into question is the sentiment behind your statement that had NOTHING to do with the topic of the show. YET has everything to do with WHY many black women watch it...the chance to watch in primetime the steamy, sultry goings-on between a powerful white male and the supposed "powerful" black female....match made in Heaven.
I am NOT saying that you want to get with white men simply because you watch the show. What I do find curious is the seeming love affair that black women have with this character knowing FULL WELL that her position is not desirable or commendable in any fasion. And yes, I'll admit it, I do believe that the pill is easier to swallow for SOME black women because she's in this situation with a powerful white male who happens to be the president.
I say this because I know, without a shadow of doubt, that if the races were inverted on these characters, then black women, in general, would have a much bigger problem with the EXACT SAME CHARACTER IN THE EXACT SAME CONTEXT DOING THE EXACT SAME THING!
Think about how many black women try to highlight all of her strong suits (power broker, educated, business owner, sexually confident, etc) while either downplaying and/or dismissing the one crucial element to the whole show...HER AFFAIR WITH THE MARRIED PRESIDENT! And let's not forget the huge pink elephant in the room, which is race! I ask, would they justify this situation just as much if she were sleeping with a black man? Or would she all of the sudden be a slut?
If anybody feels I'm putting extras on the black female response and they are "simply watching a great show", then I pose this simple question:
If Fitz were a Black male cheating on his lovely Michelle Obamaesque black wife with a power broker, educated, business owner White woman, would you support the show just as fiercely?