The problem was the producers that actually owned the group were fukkin them over with bad contracts. When you not gettin your bread tensions are gonna be high. Add on that one of them was fukkin one of the producers and that’s even more tension between members.
EnVogue should easily be the greatest girl group of all time. They can all sing lead and they look good AF. What other group can say that? (MAYBE the Supremes on the singing part but I can’t say they were all dimes)
Yea man it's weird cause they were pretty big and had pretty much crossed over without crossing over. Just looked it up and they had 6 #1s on the R&B chart. Only the Supremes have more. If you take away Don't Let Go they got 5 of those in only like 2 years. Don't let Go was probably their biggest hit overall and then they tried to come back as a trio a few months later without Dawn and then it was crickets. They were different too cause there wasn't really a leader.
You can blame group tensions but it might've just been how things were gonna go cause the masses kinda stopped supporting traditional R&B like that in that 1997-99 time frame. At least the groups. Think about how huge Boyz II Men was for 6-7 years and then they just fell off around the same time. After the point only Destiny's Child had any juice, and once they started swapping members itwas only a matter of time before Beyonce dropped em and went solo.