From the Rotten Tomatoes audience reviews you were using as supportThe negative reviews I read are about the show being nothing like the comics. I havent read anything about too many blck characters. Post these reviews you speak of.
Bait and switch. Nothing to do with the watchmen and instead feeds you a hollow virtue signaling disappointment. If the big shocking take away it trys to drive home is white supremacy is bad who is it trying to convince? Appeals to the lowest common denominator by serving up an enemy that is universally bad and easy to understand. Convinced this simple and unoriginal plot is going nowhere interesting or thought provoking.
Well made and interesting to watch. So far acting good (shame that it looks like one actor is only going to be in one episode). The only thing is, from the pilot it seems like this has almost nothing to do with the orignal Watchmen. Since when was Rorschach's journey and the character all about white supremacy? That was not what his character previoisly represented. Hopefully this is better explained in the remaining episodes. It appears the shows creator has an agenda he wants to push through and I'm not sure it actually reflects on what the original material was about
I'm a liberal and I thought it was pretty boring. Stories about race are important and can be good but there didn't seem to be much of a story in this pilot. There also doesn't seem to be any relation at all to the original material which is what was most disappointing for me. I'm sorry I didn't like it, hopefully that doesn't make me a racist...
Boring. Disappointingly woke.
Well I liked the cinematography and Music. But it seems It's gonna touch on racial issues. which is not that unique. but I would like to see where they will take story.
Not very good, it just rehashes all the same boring tropes and played out social commentary that these "directors" think are new cutting edge ideas. in the end it makes for an uninspiring, unoriginal depressing blurb that will be quickly forgotten
This series was so bad that through years of reading reviews I have never been compelled to write one literally until this show. I was really expecting something nice and controversial like the watchmen which was a dark parody about superheroes in a nixon-esq era, this is just awful and I don't know any 10 year old anywhere who would bully an adult with "did you pay for it with reparations?" and even so it was forced in the acting there.
Not a promising start. The only reason critics like this has to be because they don't know anything about Watchmen, but like the pandering "racism" politics.
Simply put, the show tries too hard to improve upon the original. If it wasn't so busy completely rebuilding Watchmen canon instead of extending it- with some tropes as complete non sequiturs-it could be beautiful and thought provoking. Instead, it is blunt, basic and nihilist. Please producers: send apologies to Alan Moore and Rorschach.
Watchman (2019) suffers from the same proverbial, patronizing white guilt (found in the likes of Wu Assassins) that's meant to sate the sadomasochistic white man's desire for bondaged self-flagellation at the hands of an oppressed PoC. It's a newfangled strain of white guilt that says, "look at how evil we are, and please hate us righteously", while ironically giving your pennies to the selfsame white men and women who created their "passion play". I say passion play purposely because these so-called woke "works of art" are merely on-screen representations of the life, trial, and death of white guilt. White writers, producers, and CEOs want PoC to believe the oligarchs of capitalism are on their side! (Please give us your money!). So, these woke content creators are figuratively killing whiteness (I.e., themselves) as a means of sacrifice for the greater good of the oppressed (I.e., PoC). Just like Jesus was sacrificed for all of man's sins, this new "wokeness" is just another means for white people to play saviors through a Christ allegory. But does this make for good TV? No. Damon Lindelof is not Jordan Peele. Moreover, the metaphor does not work. PoC are the cops, instead of being oppressed by the system (I.e., police)? Then why are black cops not permitted to have full access to their guns? Is Watchmen implying that white supremacists are the oppressed? Watchmen demonizes uneducated whites, so that can't be true, can it? Why the confusing metaphor? Is it because white people profit from the system and can't burn it down completely? So, this is not a full-fledged white suicide, but just an attempt. It doesn't matter as long as you believe HBO are the good ones and you pay them. Finally, 1) this show has nothing to do with Watchmen, in themes or otherwise. It's actually insulting how Rorschach is treated, but white supremacists do have a proclivity for stealing things that don't belong to them and fashioning those things in their image. 2) the action was unconvincing. A cow wouldn't provide cover for the type of gunfire shown-the bullets were like 10 inches long... 3) what was the deal with squids? Was that a pretentious reference to Lovecraft's racism? 4) what's the point? In summary, this depiction will only appeal to white people who want to virtue signal.
This has almost nothing in common with the film or the comic. It basically just pays lips service and then has it's own agenda. The acting was okay, but that's about it.
I was initially entranced. I immediately searched the net for Tulsa 1921, and was shocked to find out the depiction of events in this episode were strikingly realistic. It's a shame that the show then descends into cliche. Race-baiting is at best boring, and irresponsible to say the least. I almost stopped watching multiple times, but hung on hoping they were going somewhere interesting. The "climactic" final scene was unfortunately totally predictable. The target audience of this show is obviously a narrow demographic and it grotesquely stereotypes other demographics. Oh, and it doesn't appear to have any real relation to Watchmen.
All of the good things about this show is just towing the Watchmen line... which is fine, it's called "Watchmen" after all. It's the ham fisted way that Lindelof puts his spin on everything that is just terrible. There is two things going very wrong for this show: First: The ham fisted way Lindelof is curating the entire show to be about social justice isn't even cringy anymore, it's just par for course these days. Lines like "I know white supremacy, and I smell bleach!" litter the show, as if to tell the critics, 'See, I'm woke! I'm woke too!' But this cycle is all so played out at this point. How many critics from every corner of the media will call this show "brave" or "innovative" or "necessary"? The only problem is, when you're doing something to thundering applause from basically the entirety of the access media, it's no longer "brave", it's status quo. And when that same access media hails every ham fisted attempt of talking about American culture and social justice in TV or Film as innovative, it's no longer "innovative," it's just a recycled formula placating to the mostly of-one-mind critics. The second thing (which speaks to an industry wide problem): The lazy way they depict a female superhero. Regina King is a 5'3 48 year old, which probably puts her at 110 pounds soaking wet. And besides face paint and a hood, she has no discernible super powers, which means, we're led to believe that a 48 year old who weighs 110 pounds is just going to regularly out brawl a bunch of men on a daily basis. What made characters like Ripley (in the Alien trilogy) and Beatrix Kiddo (Uma Thurman of Kill Bill) great super-powerless heroes is that they didn't just roam around beating people up as if they were 6'5 265 pounds of pure muscle. Ripley used a combination of calm-headed courage and resourcefulness to claim victory. Beatrix Kiddo was a literal trained assassin, and used her superior skill with a Katana, and again, her resourcefulness, to smite her foes. Regina's character? What helps her overcome the fact she's 5'3 110? She wasn't particularly good with a gun. Her tactics of using the cows as cover as opposed to the forest means she's not particularly smart. Instead of moving Horizontally to flank the mounted .50 cal (which would have laughably carved through all of them), also just shows a lack of any sort of tactical awareness. Then once in the trailer, she didn't use any actual martial arts to beat up someone who probably had 70 pounds on her. It was just a basic choreographed fight scene that hurt the credibility of the show... In short, Lindelof (like mostly everyone in the industry) wants all the credit for casting a woman in a superhero-esque role, without doing any of the hard work to earn it. Look, I think it's awesome that a 48 year old black woman is getting to star in a tough and gritty show on HBO. I'm glad these opportunities exist now, I really am. But if you're going to do that, then you have to put in extra work to make on the writing/directing end to make sure the audience buys into the character; none of such work was done.
This show has a new, hot take on racism... It's saying that if you really sit down and think about it, racism is bad. Seriously though, if you were a huge fan of Moore's intrepid, inspired writing in the original graphic novel, this isn't for you. It's just another product of the Hollywood regurgitation machine that takes old, creative ideas and slaps a diverse cast and a progressive message on them and the critics call it bold and masterful. Maybe the show isn't what it seemed, and future episodes will be better or have something thought provoking to say, but it was so hard to get through the first episode it will be hard to continue watching. It was boring. It has hardly anything to do with Watchmen. However, if you've never read the graphic novel and are unfamiliar with the source material, you might like it, but only if you are also open to extremely weird ideas, which is about all it has in common with the original. There is a reason Alan Moore has renounced this and asked they don't use his name in conjunction with this show. I'm gonna go ahead and whisper "no" on this one.
Yet again an attack on skin colour aimed at provoking an emotional response but only able to provide an aimless scrap goat to the worlds current ailments, grow up.
After watching this first episode,, this is of no interest for me. I am not watching a show about race for 10 hours. I have Fox news and CNN for that. I watch TV shows to be entertained. I watch documentaries to be educated. I am not saying it's not good, I am saying it's of zero interest to me.
Graphic novel was an original work with a new touch on superhero tropes. TV series just uses Watchmen as an excuse to make some "rules" in its fictional world, like no phones, no Internet, etc. Another reason why they use Watchmen IP is to throw some geek-stuff, like masks, groups, which are illogical to even exist. Rorschach is now a symbol of racism? When was he racist at all? As if some KKK of today would wear Nicola Tesla mask because of... reasons? It's a lazy attempt to create an illusion of a discussion. While original was talking about Nuclear Holocaust - the global conflict that was really disturbing; the moral struggles of flawed heroes who have power; the show does not talk about it. It just threw a topic of good guys v bad guys without anything grey. The actors are good, all technical aspect seem fine. But the story and fictional world are zero.
how is this different from batwoman case? Its the same case... no respect to the original source material, nonsensual clown propaganda, dull story and characters... it managed to slip under the radar quiet well....
Was hoping my gut would be wrong on this but it's not, this is not Watchmen. The series attempts to rewrite the original series in order to force it's SJW message. In what universe can we go from the very edge of nuclear war to white supremacist terrorist cell and cops that need permission to have their guns unlocked? If the rest of the series is like the pilot then things aren't looking good and we will have yet another installment into this franchise that fails. At least we have Doomsday Clock.
Boring, race baiting "revision" of the original Watchmen, meaning they completely made up shyt based on their bias. Don't waste your time on this show. C List actors for HBO is sad.
I know, right? fukking liberals and their fictitious filmed content. Thank god no one is actually traveling the country, speaking in dog-whistles, with any form of authority. Thank god for that.As if racial tensions haven't already been getting fanned for the past decade.
Retarded goal-Post shiftersFrom the Rotten Tomatoes audience reviews you were using as support
The irony.Retarded goal-Post shifters
Ninja why you getting so crazyDumb ass nikkaz will throw their support behind the dumbest shyt. Even when cacs making profit off of black tragedies that were never brought to justice.
Please explain to me what’s going on here? Yeah I’m being lazy not going through page for page lol but I need a cliff notes. I feel like I’m missing gaps in the storyThis thread attracted the TLR ninjas quickly![]()
Poster A: Goes overboard with his criticism of the show. Talks about a bunch of BS that’s irrelevant.Please explain to me what’s going on here? Yeah I’m being lazy not going through page for page lol but I need a cliff notes. I feel like I’m missing gaps in the story
so a magical giant squid just showed up instead of how Snyder put it...
and Snyders ending is a bad thing?
Poster A: Goes overboard with his criticism of the show. Talks about a bunch of BS that’s irrelevant.
Poster B: Some how ties A’s criticism to ADOS vs Immigrants. Somehow Poster A is an immigrant while living in Canada.
I would expect this to continue for the entirety of the show![]()
I was defending my point.Poster A: Goes overboard with his criticism of the show. Talks about a bunch of BS that’s irrelevant.
Poster B: Some how ties A’s criticism to ADOS vs Immigrants. Somehow Poster A is an immigrant while living in Canada.
I would expect this to continue for the entirety of the show![]()