We get it, some of you despise white folks but there are other places on this site to do that in. Stay on topic about MMA or take that shyt elsewhere.
I missed the fight last night, actually forgot about it. Your post was the first I read on this thread as I always read long threads backwards. As soon as I saw you mention white folks, I thought here we go. I hate all that race sh!t, even though at times I succumb to it? Not sure why muh fuggaz cant just appreciate these fighters' talents and have respect for the winner and loser without all that racial pride sh!t. Rumble isn't giving me any of his earnings, and there's no reason for me to sh!t on Gus. Besides, Gus would whoop my azz.
I will say this though, I don't pretend there are any illusions about why so many whites loved MMA before when there were hardly any Blacks. They loved to sh!t on boxing for the reason I believe was that it has been a sport largely dominated by minorities and as of late Russians and Eastern Europeans (not that much better than n!ggers, but still not a n!gger). The thought that boxers couldn't compete within MMA seems to be something that satisfies certain MMA fans' racial hangups. Now that there are more than one or two dominant minorities in MMA, I thinks some Black fans celebrate their wins as a little bit of verbal payback. Not saying I agree with it as it perpepuates racial and ethnic division, but it is what it is, as I see it anyway. Sh!t, I can't watch a basketball game with my father before he reiterates for the thousandth time (old folks repeat themselves) how white coaches figured out that if they want to win, they better recruit some Blacks.