Henry Orbit
House Managers literally showed videos of Trump supporters storming the Capitol saying "We're here FIGHTING for Trump" and Trump's lawyers wanna talk hypocrisy about the word 'fight' 

They're on breakI got busy at work? Are they done for the day or just on break?
Yeah because it boiled down to "Democrats bad".their making a mockery.
Trump is def please with this defense.
If im ever in a pinch id take a public defender over these bozos
Lmfao at Alabama electing a black senatorWho knows? I know.
If Alabama had an Atlanta this would be a different story. Alabama has a reputation for a reason.
They’re gonna play these clips one more time because on the third replay people accept it as truth.
the problem is that nobody rioted because some official told them to. They rioted and protested because black people were being murdered by police.
he really thinks Zara on Broadway got looted because Elizabeth Warren felt a way about the election? 5th Ave got looted because elected officials urged to fight back? We barely listen to them now.
"Fight, fight, fighting, we fight, fight, fight, let's fight, fighting...."
These desperate edits
What is this montage supposed to show? That Democrats say fight.... and that that hasn't led to an insurrection?