Official Trump Insurrection Rally 1/6/21 Fukkery, NY Probe, DOJ Probe & Georgia Probe Thread!


Dec 24, 2016
OUR RIGHTS :sadbron:

My ford truck! Black people! Welfare checks! Rigged election! Maga! It aint fair! Help me!:damn:


refuel w/ chocolate milk
Jul 7, 2012


Business Insider reports that Kevin Lyons was contacted by federal agents Friday, due to photos he posted on his Instagram account showing a map of the route from his Chicago home to D.C. as well as a wooden sign that said "Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi."

According to Insider, the FBI affidavit stated that Lyons was surprised that authorities had found the photos as they had been up for only a few hours before being taken down. He reportedly said he could not "guarantee that he posted it," but then showed agents the same photos saved on his phone.

Lyons provided three videos to the FBI, Insider reports, showing people inside and outside the Capitol. Lyons's voice can reportedly be heard in all three videos.

According to an affidavit, Lyons wrote to an FBI special agent "Hello Nice FBI Lady, Here are the links to the videos," when sending over the video links.

During his interview with the FBI, Lyons gave a detailed description of traveling to D.C., marching into the Capitol and walking around the building, Insider reports. At one point he described entering the "big boss" office. When asked if this was a reference to Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) office, he said yes.

Due to his descriptions of the event, the FBI believed there was probably cause to charge him for entering a restricted building without the lawful authority to do so as well as violating a law that prohibits violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.

Edit: please read the Chicago Sun Times article about this guy. So many gems in there.

Chicago man allegedly told feds ‘Wow you are pretty good’ when shown his picture of Pelosi sign from US Capitol

"The feds say Lyons did admit traveling from Chicago to Washington for a Trump rally. He allegedly said he took an Uber to the Washington Monument and tried to wear a Kevlar vest but was unable to fit it over his sweatshirt."


"He allegedly said he “100% guaranteed, without incriminating” himself, that he saw nothing being damaged.

Then, he made a comment about a dream in which he saw banging on doors, paper being thrown about, and a mob of people, according to the complaint. He said the people didn’t have much of a choice of where they were going because of the mob. He also allegedly said that, if he had been inside, it was for about 45 minutes."

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