Official Trump Insurrection Rally 1/6/21 Fukkery, NY Probe, DOJ Probe & Georgia Probe Thread!

bright black

All Star
Jul 26, 2012
"This impeachment is causing tremendous anger. And you’re doing it, and it’s really a terrible thing that they’re doing. For Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to continue on this path, I think it’s causing tremendous danger to our country, and it’s causing tremendous anger. I want no violence."

trump and republicans say shyt like that then act like it aint the republicans and magats that are the dangerous and angry ones...only magats and republicans would get violent if trump get impeached again...instead of explicitly telling his followers not to riot no matter what trump is telling democrats not to impeach him because his followers are crazy and dangerous...trump is basically threatening to unleash his violent cult on america...he really dont have a problem with his cult attacking the capitol...he talking like he would do everything the exact same way knowing it would end with an attack on the capitol and people dying...

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
He’s basically telling his followers to murk Pelosi and Schumer. Why not stfu like he has been ? That would have been best . More fuel into the fire for his cult
Because the coup is still in progress. He still has these nuts to use a weapon until at least he is out of office. A lot can happen in 8 days.

This is a legit threat by this guy without saying it directly. Don't do this or "it will be very bad for you Nancy and Chuck. Very bad".

He knows what he is doing. I think people need to come to grips that this is a man willing to have people killed to maintain power. He is no different than a Dueterte.

King Theo

All Star
May 1, 2012
"This impeachment is causing tremendous anger. And you’re doing it, and it’s really a terrible thing that they’re doing. For Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to continue on this path, I think it’s causing tremendous danger to our country, and it’s causing tremendous anger. I want no violence."

trump and republicans say shyt like that then act like it aint the republicans and magats that are the dangerous and angry ones...only magats and republicans would get violent if trump get impeached again...instead of explicitly telling his followers not to riot no matter what trump is telling democrats not to impeach him because his followers are crazy and dangerous...trump is basically threatening to unleash his violent cult on america...he really dont have a problem with his cult attacking the capitol...he talking like he would do everything the exact same way knowing it would end with an attack on the capitol and a dead maga cop...

i think the only part that forever leaves me speechless is trump and republicans deflecting and doing it terribly by telling the most flagerant lies and blaming others. but we see what the truth is and at teh same time you have a big group of people who take their lies for word or maybe they know the truth but are in denial and this is all game to them idk. i cant wrap my head around it. because at what point do you say damn i got played and the biggest liars to me have been the gop to me. and the only direction it leads me in for about 99% of them is that simply they are white supremicist ..maybe not a skin head tatted with nazi symbols but a white supremcisit regardless. and they know they are. they may not know its called that but they know they each little descriptor of them is them.

if someone can give me another reason why they have yet to realize they are being played outside of them being stupid, a supremicist or both. pleeeease let me know because i havent figured out one alternative yet

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

Where did this dikkhead come from anyway and how the fukk did he get elected to Congress in his 20’s with no resume other than sexually harassing women and failing out of college?

Also, does he not know what Nazis thought about the disabled?


King Theo

All Star
May 1, 2012
Because the coup is still in progress. He still has these nuts to use a weapon until at least he is out of office. A lot can happen in 8 days.

This is a legit threat by this guy without saying it directly. Don't do this or "it will be very bad for you Nancy and Chuck. Very bad".

He knows what he is doing. I think people need to come to grips that this is a man willing to have people killed to maintain power. He is no different than a Dueterte.

i just said this to my girl. its astonishing that there is anyone at the capitol who think this is okay and he shouldnt be forcibly removed.

i remember sitting in a restaurant at london heathrow the day he got elected and saying to the british people serving me that this will end badly for the us or the whole world. and here we are. iiiii dont know where we are going from here. but ive got plans to be somwhere else if this really goes left( or right so to speak)