The families apparently are still fighting him about the amount. He just got fined $75K for not showing for a deposition and he filed for bankruptcy.I'm glad to see Rudy take another L but are these judgements enforced?
Cause Alex Jones got hit for a billy and he's still out here spewing his shyt.
I honestly believe the supreme court will rule against Trumps claim of presidential immunity. Not because it’s the right thing to do, but because a ruling in favor of Trump would essentially de-value the supreme courts role in the federal government. They’d essentially be saying a President/former President can break the law in any event without a judicial remedy. Thus placing the president ahead of the judiciary.How is the Supreme Court going to rule on these? Alito and Thomas are a lock, so are the three Dem appointees, but don't know how Kavanaugh and Barret go. Gorsuch too.