yeah, you told us you shared it as an informative tweet, like a news story. You don't see the issue with using that account and person as a primary source of news information?
No they don't, that is why they are journalists.
It's not about "my standards." You are ingesting a person who has been called "fake news" as actual news and sharing it with others. That isn't good. I also never said who you can or can't post. I don't want you falling into the misinformation vortex, but you seem to already be in it and are completely fine with it.
He didn't say that. He read that from CNN, Bloomberg, WSJ, NYT, NPR, Fox News or any other news site and just reshared it on Twitter. He didn't break any news that isn't out there. What concerns me is I think you believe him when he says a Jim Jordan indictment is imminent. There is no reason to think that.
I didn't say don't post. I just said be careful with your news sourcing.