I didn’t wanna believe it but it was a good project. Yes predictable but good project. I wish they woulda expanded on why Carlton felt the way he felt about Kid… and actually say it instead of implying it everywhere.
Idk why Carlton didn’t show Behind the Scenes Gene love man. He literally knew that it was Carlton that put the Kid on…
The Greeks were gangsters but since they were doing their own dirty work I think Kid and Carlton coulda handled them together.
Did Carlton owe other people money? It def seemed like it.
Even through it all Todd was holding Kid down
It was good work by Kevin… I felt like he was just playing himself though I’m not mad at him though. Best thing I seen him in, in a while… not really a fan. Woulda never thought he woulda pulled something like this out
Wesley came through with really good acting.
As far as Nino vs Carlton yeah Carlton is worse.
Kid bodying that white boy on the plane was something different it was oddly satisfying.
I give it a 8/10… I would have liked to see how his team moved past all that Kid drama. The Kid was moving hella strategic at some points and the hella sloppy at other points
amateur like the Greeks woulda said
Kid saying he would do the sequel to Anti Verse for 31 m instead of 25 m
I liked how Kid broke the fourth wall… woulda liked it to happen more during the show once it did happened and he was willing to do that.
Simone ain’t deserve to get bodied like that
Binged watched it with my girl last night she gave it a 7/10 cause it’s predicable. No regrets