Anyone else notice:
The black woman from Season 1 gave up her life supporting that cac doctor's dream?
T-Dogg gave up his life saving cac Carol?
Oscar gave up his life saving a bunch of cacs?
Y'all saying we should have known Oscar was dead as soon as Tyreese showed up... nah, it's like Eddie Murphy said in Boomerang, anytime you see Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Ralph from Engineering go on a mission, you already know who ain't making it back. As soon as we saw Rick, Daryl, Michonne and random black prisoner who served know real purpose go to save Glen & Maggie (another black person risking his life to save a cac) , you already knew his time was up.
Annnnnnd another thing, those 5 prisoners Rick found lived for a year with no problems. Within a few weeks of meeting Rick's group, they all end up dead, except the cac. Mad cism on this show.
I ended up finding out later.
Sonequa Martin-Green
Apparently, the characters name is Sasha (According to another forum).
does anyone else think they're gonna set up an Axel raping Beth storyline? if not, those scenes were filler.
also, no matter what yall say about Andrea and michonne, once Darryl's face is revealed she HAS to know what's up. and is an idiot to stick around.
oh yeah, how did the prison have this BIG ASS OPENING that nobody saw? i thought Rick sweeped the perimeter?
I didn't like the way he pulled the burner on her after she got them to Woodbury and helped them save Glen and Maggie. I was like come on bruh chill out....
You are reaching, bruh.
The National Guard dudes were exactly what they were shown to be: a bunch of weekend warriors who were in over their heads and desperate for a "safe" place to live. And The Governor ambushed and killed them because he is a lunatic who is scared shytless that someone could conceivably appear more capable than him and undermine his quest to king of his own little piece of the zombie apocalypse.
And no he didn't invite them but they also didn't come storming to Woodbury either...their coptor crashed. But he did fake being cordial with the guy whose head he ended up chopping off by promising him he'd be safe and that his men could come live in Woodbury in an attempt to get the location of the rest of the National Guard guys.
And your zombie apocalypse survival handbook is missing some pages if you think The Governor was or is justified in his behavior. By your rule book Rick and them should have all been shot full of buckshot the second they showed up at the farm and Carl should have killed Tyreese's crew.
On the Michonne subject the show is going to have to do something to explain her behavior then because there is no reason for her to be so stingy with info.
I was watching the second episode of the serie and notice how in atlanta zombies were using rocks to break glasses and climbing fences
You nikkas saying "Michonne too tough/masculine to be loved" are lame. I'd bite down on three of her dreads and fukk her like she owed me food rations. Banging ass body and a very pretty face despite her stank expressions.
I do agree as someone who just watched the entire series that the zombies definitly dumbed down since the beginning.
In the beginning they'd run, open doors, even jump fences and now they are slow and stupid.