Man, the jawas stripped the osik (sh#t) out of The Mandalorian's ship...dude gotta invest in a ship security system. ANY unauthorized beings that come within the vicinity of the ship results in sheilds activated, owner being alerted & intruders being targeted by ship's defense systems. Further hostilities (attempted theft, breaking & entering, etc.) results in prompt disintegration.
Dude gotta upgrade his weapons, too. During big battles against big foes, the pistol, rifle, flamethrower & knife just ain't cutting it. While fighting the rhino creature, I wondered why he didn't even use his left knee-pad rocket dart launchers (the rocket darts can be armed with explosive tips) :
Y'all complaining about the ship not having a security system seem to forget that he got jerked on his pay and good bounties aren't readily available. He was practically begging for work. The fact that he had to settle for chump change and didn't resort to violence to get what he was owed shows he probably didn't have the resources for shields and security systems. He's a bounty hunter so his money probably gets spent on weapons and things like armor that'll keep him alive.
The thing we've seen in these two episodes is that being a bounty Hunter isn't glamorous. He's had to deal with mercenaries, harsh environments, wild animals, hostile bounty hunters, thieves, etc. They're showing the struggles of that life.
If you guys were bounty hunters you'd have the ships with shields, security systems, leather seats, etc
You'd also probably die your first mission because you didn't buy armor that protects you from blasters
Jawas will still raid your whip while you're dead