Just finished watching it. shyt was
I think we got another one fellas.
I like the little easter eggs for people that grew up in the 80s. Like the Apollo-Soyuz painting in the school auditorium. That was the first U.S.-Soviet joint space flight. Phillip was staring at it during the song because he believes both sides can still be friends. Little stuff like that, some people might miss.
I like how they make both sides think the other is the devil. That's how it was. Russia wasn't evil, neither was the U.S. But when you're a spy, there is no room for compassion or understanding.
Elizabeth is a terrible actress. I don't mean the chick (Keri Russell) playing her. I mean she's supposed to be a spy and she's

in damn near every scene.
Phillip: "You want some ice cream?"

You gotta loosen up a bit. I know you hate America but eat some ice cream.

at the CIA agent. He

the fukk outta them spies.
Here's the promo for ep 2/the rest of the season. At the 0:16 second mark peep the umbrella. That's most likely ricin (shout out to "Breaking Bad"). In '78 the KGB used an umbrella with a ricin filled pellet to kill Georgi Markov. He defected to the U.S. because he was criticizing the Bulgarian government. Ricin was used a lot back then due to it being damn near untraceable.