Creh try and disassociate your personal preferences from the discussion. Think deeper. Politics is theater. Chuck Schumer has never been confused for a Warren/Sanders Democrat. Chuck Schumer is responsible for pushing Bidens agenda through the Senate. He's not a Manchin type whose political life depends on being an a$$hole to the party. He is a consummate party man.
“But all kidding aside, we’ve still got a lot of great majority leaders,” Biden said, speaking in front of Schumer and the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi. “But I never saw anybody handle such a controversial, consequential piece of legislation that was right on the edge, than Chuck Schumer. I owe you, Chuck. You did an incredible job.”
One thing that has actually surprised me is that it seems like Biden and Co., have finally accepted that the party needs to move left in a real way if they hope to win in the future. What happened in 2020 with trump winning higher percentage of minority voters and the potential for the GOP to try and claim the mantle of the "party of the working class" I think has spooked some of the establishment. A guy like Schumer was never confused for an economic lefty, esp considering his reputation as the senator from wall street, but he's smart enough to know where the country is politically. Biden is determined not to repeat what happd post Obama where even though he brought the country back from the brink, the party was punished bc working class/poor/youth felt their direct needs were never prioritized. Not just bc it will be politically popular but bc most Dems, whether moderate or lefty, are deathly afraid of what might happen if GOP regains power. They will spend as many trillions of dollars necessary to prevent that from happening.
Honestly I think this is one of those things that ppl will cry about up until the law or executive order is passed. But afterwards there will be a huge public relations campaign detailing how it's helped ppl. Once you personalize the benefits, a lot of the criticism will be drowned out. This is what happd with Obamacare.