Just finished the finale.
I'm glad people seem to like it, most of the reception seems positive....but for me personally, it was
They had a whole lot of good ideas but the writers....aren't bad, but the execution wasn't all the way there.
Most of the episodes felt too long. None of it was boring per se but the show has too many damn characters and it seems like the writers felt forced to use some of them solely because they're part of the main cast.
A few characters aren't that important (pretty much all the parents except Joyce, plus Lucas sister) and their screen time reflects that. Other characters like Will and Jonathon were pretty useless all season but they
still got a gang of scenes.
Speaking of Joyce, I wasn't a fan of the whole Joyce/Murray subplot....I realize the show isn't supposed to be realistic but the kids fighting Russian soldiers last season and Joyce/Murray infiltrating a Russian jail this season....this shyt is turning into an 80's action movie, and not in a good way. The way all the characters skate through "life threatening" situations is getting kinda ridiculous.
I feel like they should've focused on Eleven, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Sam, Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Eddie + Hopper in Russia. And the characters (Dr. Brenner, Antonov, etc.) relevant to their story lines. That's it. Really odd choice to make most of the characters have little to no interaction all season, in the show's final season.
Hell, throw Mrs. Wheeler in there because she has the MILF thing going on. She'd be better than Will and Jonathan at least.
Anyway, I'm rambling at this point and I know it seems like I hated the season, but I didn't. It was entertaining but I just think the material would be much better in the hands of more capable show runners.