Tony D'Amato
It's all about the inches
K was obviously hurt by what he did. And it wasnt planned. When the blood hit his face he was stunned, it was powerful acting.
Too powerful
Too powerful

brehs know these eps come out mad early on demand and expect people to wait to come in here to post. That's y u do like me and stay your black (or CAC ) ass out of here until after you watch
50 and Sean didn't have a relationship period. He got locked up when he was a kid and now he a grown ass man. So doing what he didn't wasn't that hard for him.
Wade should've bounced when he had the chance. I felt sorry for dude really. He was a good kid that got caught up. This is Tasha's fault as well because she the one that had the poison p*ssy.
I don't see how Angela gonna have anything to arrest ghost. Her credibility is gone. She needs to take that L and bounce. The moment she told ghost who she was and the fact she was going after tommy she should've ended it then and there.
why was the office tore up?Big overlooked part of this episode
Kantos going into the office seeing the work Ghost had done
I dont know, but the safe amd errthing was openwhy was the office tore up?
That's what I do but that's not the norm why are y'all acting like dudes been posting the spoilers like that and cats haven't been watching live posting. You can follow most of,this thread to see that so why switch up now esp during that 9pm hour?100%, keep your ass out of here until you watch the show. Most of us have on demand and starzplay, fukk we look like waiting around for 9pm, so we can watch it together like some happy family?:
Chili dogs
chocolate chip cookies
ice cold cherry cola
On Demand flow
Mayne lets get this!
100%, keep your ass out of here until you watch the show. Most of us have on demand and starzplay, fukk we look like waiting around for 9pm, so we can watch it together like some happy family?:
That's what I do but that's not the norm why are y'all acting like dudes been posting the spoilers like that and cats haven't been watching live posting. You can follow most of,this thread to see that so why switch up now esp during that 9pm hour?
I hear you and why I do the same just think that's faulty logic when the norm isn't dudes spoiling stuff that's all.niccas going to do what they want to do, like I said, to avoid an episode being spoiled for you, just stay out the thread. It is what it is.