Nice to get some answers this week.
I knew there was a special guest this week but I didn’t expect it to be
Looks like next week will finally give the answer to
Couple of minor nitpicks in this one.
Although I doubt the Changelings who were subject to experiments are the whole story.
I knew there was a special guest this week but I didn’t expect it to be
Tuvok! Was expecting Weyoun or someone Dominion related.
Looks like next week will finally give the answer to
What’s going on with Jack. Interesting that he seems to have telepathic abilities as well.
Couple of minor nitpicks in this one.
When Geordi mentioned Lore, why did Picard say “Data’s brother”? Was like he was surprised he was in there. Also if the Changelings can go undetected then why would they need to create a Picard clone or whatever? Maybe they need something specific in Picards DNA like the Irrumodic Syndrome or leftover nano probes.