All things spidey, all eras, toys, video games, movies, anything you can think of. Clearly my favorite super hero of all time and I know a lot of you feel the same so let's come and celebrate the kid from Queens
I just watched spider man 1 for the first time
I was in high school when it came out never watched it don’t know why
I loved the fox series when I was younger I want to go back and watch that again
I did see spider man 3 thought it was dope in theaters when that first came out
I thought trailer was fire
The second reboot I seen the first one not the one one with Jamie fox
I thought it was decent don’t really remember it
The third reboot I didn’t see the first film but I seen the second with mysterious I thought those action pieces was fire seen it Imax Dolby digital
im going watch Spider-Man 2 this week heard it was the GOAT