On one hand I am saddened this show is coming to an end but on the other hand I am happy I don't have to sit through anymore irrationally obscene fakkitry...I will never watch any show/movie this director and writing staff are apart of...Why the fukk would you have Tiberius rape Julius Caesar? It seemed like it was done just to fulfill their quota of one gay scene an episode...
Anyways RIP Crixus...In four seasons we watched him go from a God of the arena, the champion of Capua, the mighty undefeated Gaul to a whiny dumbass simp with a death wish...His fall from reason and manhood was hard to watch...He was stubborn and dumb as shyt all due to Naevia clouding his judgement but his return to manhood this episode was much appreciated...He wanted to go out in a blaze of glory, he spoke powerful words, put boots (that dropkick was

) and sword to purpose and once again spilled blood on the sands...
Today we
