Official Snowfall Season 6 Thread


Feb 18, 2015
Absolutely hated this ending but i get it. They money was deep in his veins

didn't resolve Deon comin back for yo-yo...i mean lil leon

Frank just one of those nikkas who had it all and pissed it away. he had a fate worse than death. Not even seeing his lil mans. V cleaned out his last 800,000

just dropped Ruben off and that was it

Louie winning the race

Cissy really saved everybody asses by making sure Frank didnt see that money

I really dont think i could care less for the spin-off but Leon being who he is and Frank being alive gives it a lil chance

there's just $72 million sittin in an escrow nobody can touch. I'm sure Vee and Vee's mama finessed that

Parissa just...gone

Episode starts with this nikka sippin a free shot and ends with left eye just being bloodshot from all the drinkin he did....truly hate to see it. I aint ever think i wanted a fictional character to live and just get fukkin wrecked at every turn. From Teddy dying to that safe being empty...

Tulfowitz made out like a bandit buying all that property for the low low

Thought the last death would be Big Deon or somethin but it was just a mf hired to crack a safe. Know that mf shyt his hanes when he heard them gunshots ring out

Maxine Shaw

#ColiFam gave more $ 2 my students than my school
Jan 10, 2014
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Glad they didn't kill him so we can see that the life destroyed him.
Dude got exactly what he deserved: NOTHING. No money, no family, not even a place to lay his head.

This is EASILY one of the GOAT finales. We didn't get a bunch of major deaths for no reason. Wanda didn't wind up back on her knees. Leon didn't die bleeding in the streets. Franklin didn't go out in a blaze of glory or in prison blues. Cissy kept her head up to the end (for all it was worth). Louie got her life and something vaguely resembling freedom, but nothing more. (Leave the country? You need a passport and money for that, fam.) Even Veronique did the right thing, albeit in a grimy way: she got their son the fukk away from Franklin. I don't think there should be a spinoff, either, but isn't it great that most of the the major characters are still around?

(They could've paid Franklin for the KGB dude, though...damn. That was cold as fukk.)