Oh shytv we made the stickies 
This episode felt pretty calm in comparison to the past few but a break was necessary
I don't think they could keep the tension up at that level for the finale.
Not much I could really say until a second watch. I figured Franklin might have something with ol girl, the way she pulled is whole card like that. A lot of deception is going on
Kevin is waking into a damn trap if he takes the Villanueva's deal. "Miguel" has to be the dude that killed his cousin and they tipped him off that he wants revenge. Pedro is getting conned too. Breh thinks he's playing informant, but if that narc chick takes Lucia and Oso down he's going down too 

This episode felt pretty calm in comparison to the past few but a break was necessary

Not much I could really say until a second watch. I figured Franklin might have something with ol girl, the way she pulled is whole card like that. A lot of deception is going on