So can this brand deliver good angles going forward?
It seems it's gonna be
AJ vs Cena
Dean vs Dolph
as the two main programs, probably until Backlash.
So we have to find something to do with:
Del Rio (it seems he's leaving)
They wanted Corbin and Crews to shine tonight and at least Apollo looked good, but I hope they don't put them against each other this soon. Honestly, I'd pair up Wyatt with Corbin and give them a tag run, Corbin is dead on the water and the only way I see him getting out of that is having a good tag team run for a while, and Bray ain't doing shyt anyways and can use the revamp. Put Apollo over Del Rio if dude is really leaving in October and give Sleton the IC strap.
The women division will be fine for the time being, there's a bunch of fresh matchups that we can run for a couple of months.
I hope to god they realize they should run with this Heath Slater angle and not use it as 3 Man Band to get a laugh every show.
And most importantly, let us have the loser of Joe vs Nakamura
we need both of them but one will do :nakareally: