I've seen a lot of people talkin' about how The Rumble is always supposed to break in/elevate a new star... there's probably been more established guys that won the Rumble than guys they were trying to push up the card. Rumble is about the main event/title match at Mania. Whether the winner is a "new star" or not is secondary.
90- Hogan, 91- Hogan, 92- Flair (granted he was new to the WWF but overall wasn't new), 94- Bret Hart & Lex Luger, 96- Michaels, 2000- The Rock, 01- Austin, 02- HHH, 03- Lesnar, 07- Taker, 08- Cena, 09- Orton, 10- Edge, 12- Sheamus, 13- Cena, 14- Batista, 16- HHH, 17- Orton, 19- Rollins, 21- Edge, 22- Lesnar
ALL these MFs had been main eventers prior to these wins. And in most cases, I don't mean main eventing the October PPV or main eventing Raw... I mean main evented several shows for YEARS, won/defended the title at Mania, etc... none of the wins I listed had anything to do with a rub.
Austin won in '97