I was having trouble sleeping last night so I put on the 17th anniversary PPV.
For starters, your TV shouldn't look like a higher quality production than your PPV. Any time they showed clips from TV, it looked significantly better than what they had going on this show. One of the problems I've had with ROH for many years now is their production, not even in the sense of the lighting or staging, but the way its shot and edited looks like a sitcom doing a wrestling episode. In this case, the lighting of the venue made it look so tiny and low rent. The big SAM'S TOWN sign in most of the shots draws attention to them running their anniversary show in a small off strop casino. It's also weird because they were so intent on running small arenas for a while and wisely scaled back when they were filling 25% of seats, and this is more the real level of ROH is at....yet they're also running MSG.
Marty Scurll vs Kenny King: Scurll does absolutely nothing for me, never has. I don't like any of his spots (and actively dislike two of his main ones in the finger breaking and gotcha superkick), I think his basic technique and mechanics are shyt, and he's over all annoying as shyt. I don't understand his popularity at all. And this match was dull as hell. Felt like a match in the 3rd hour of Raw, which is not how you want to start a PPV.
Shane Taylor vs Jeff Cobb: Never heard of Shane Taylor, but this was a fun ass HOSS battle. Got a little silly with the fat fukk doing a Canadian Destroyer...for a near fall

, but otherwise was a lot of fun.
Kelly Klein vs Mayu Iwatani: Holy shyt this was fukking terrible. Is this the best ROH has to offer with their women? Because if it is, they should probably just go back to ignoring women's wrestling. Legit bad.
Jay Lethal vs Matt Taven: Man...an hour of Matt Taven? The fukk? All the great talent ROH has had over the years, starting with their intro showing all these guys that have become big stars, headlined WM, etc...and the best they can do for their 17th anniversary show is Matt fukking Taven? This shyt was so overbooked. Lethal gets hit in the FACE with a baseball bat, suplexed off the apron through a table, misses an elbow drop from the top through a ladder, gets hit with 6 finishers IN A ROW, still kicks out. Lol. At 59 minutes in they're still kicking out of finishers. I guess there's something to be said for them being able to keep the crowd into it for an hour, but I thought it was not good and Taven could have been replaced with literally anyone and it would have been the same match.
That concert/Bully Ray thing

Why are they devoting so much time on a damn PPV to having Bubba Ray Dudley do smark heel heat in 2019? Really having nearly 50 year old Bubba Ray get a featured spot on not only your PPV, but also the MSG show.
Rush vs Bandito was fun in the lucha fukkery way. Dalton Castle was

on commentary and post match..until he said "verse" instead of "versus", one of my all time pet peeves in wrestling and MMA.

Dalton is old and busted so that match probably won't be any good with Rush at MSG. He can't even walk normally. I feel like I've been reading about him being injured for 2 years now.
PCO/Brody King vs Brisco Brothers: Could anyone have imagined in 2002 that ROH would have their anniversary show in 2019 be main evented by Quebecer Pierre? I'm amazed he hasn't killed himself or someone else in his resurgence. He's reckless as fukk. It's kind of awesome, though. Until he breaks his/someone's neck.

There was some WILD shyt in this, even if the match overall was very disjointed and messy. PCO's back drop on the apron and the press slam from the top to the floor on chairs that Mark took were so wtf.
Mixed show, WOH match was definitely the worst thing on the show. Main event or the TV title match were the best. ROH's roster is fukking weird.