ACH and ROH have evidently come to a verbal agreement on a mutual release although as of this writing it was not signed nor official, but that is likely the end result of this week.
PW Insider first reported he was finishing up with the company when his contract expired, but then we got word that instead of waiting for the contract to expire, they came to an agreement for a mutual release.
ACH had a contract which was exclusive to ROH (although ROH wrestlers are allowed to work PWG) for the U.S. market, but they gave him permission to work for AAW several weeks ago. There were some remarks made at the show which some took to be anti-ROH which didn't help his standing. The ROH side is that they gave him permission to work the AAW show because he asked to be able to work it since the tournament he was in was a tribute for a friend of his, Jim Lyman.
At the show, he cut the promo in question. Those at AAW told us they didn't believe it was about ROH but a lot of fans believed it was, talking about a bad relationship with a girlfriend and a divorce. ROH evidently thought it was about them, as did at least some fans because it became the Internet talk.
We did hear that ACH wasn't happy it became the story it did and wished he'd never said it. But after the situation came to light, he did tell ROH officials he was frustrated in the promotion. We don't know the details of his frustrations but it's likely over his push.
Anyway, the decision was made on both sides to part ways.