Got my lecture scrubs today... They're so cute...
you gotta wear scrubs to lecture? what's your major, if you don't mind me asking?Got my lecture scrubs today... They're so cute...
you gotta wear scrubs to lecture? what's your major, if you don't mind me asking?
yeah, no more regular clothes - i'm living it up this week.
At first I thought I would hate my life, but it's one of my favorite colors, I'm blessed to be there and it gives me an excuse to buy these nikeid's that I man i don't know what I'd do if I had to wear scrubs to lecture. we only have to wear them to clinical, but i have clinical 3 out of the 4 days im in school so it doesn't even matter really
This chick is at it again. "Hi I'm having a HUGE problem with a copier over here in our's out of staples" LMMFAO!!!
At first I thought I would hate my life, but it's one of my favorite colors, I'm blessed to be there and it gives me an excuse to buy these nikeid's that I want.
But for clinicals, I'm wearing a dress. I know it's quirky, but I cannot wait! Just trying to figure if i will straighten my hair for my bun or not. I hope I'll have the 12 shift.
I didn't think you i don't hate my colors, its actually one of my fav colors (galaxy blue) but everyone gets tired of looking at it.
we have to wear white shoes so I'm just going to spring for a pair of danskos. i wore air max last semester but i find danskos to look more professional (plus i work at a scrub store so my discount is great).
do you mean like one of the traditional white dresses?
I'm tryna give Halle Berry a baby and no one can stop meWtf...I didn't know Halle Berry was preg.