There's a game being played...and people are signing up to take part without even realizing it.
There was a couple with a baby in a grocery store just now not wearing a mask. They were being loud and kinda belligerent I think IOT grab attention. They want people to notice what they're doing so that someone can say something and then make a scene.
That's a game. I looked at the both of them and saw they weren't wearing masks. They looked at me too, which was very uncanny but it told me these people knew what they were doing. But I wasn't falling for the okie doke.
This was me:
I ran into them twice in the grocery store and the second time around the man/husband was very irate and speaking very loudly about someone commenting about him not wearing a mask or maybe they looked at him funny, I don't know.
Again I:
Point being, everything happening on TV is just that, TV. But you can easily become a part of that TV world if you act as a pawn for them.