It seems as though it was easier to communicate over a phone then in person. /endfakedoctor fonsHad a dream about a coli member last night. It was weird, not the dream itself but the way my subconscious works is troubling to my emotions.
They were over my place which looked nothing like my loft but alas, the small unit was mine with white painted walls and a balcony with leftover food from a bbq. We were just relaxing and then he suggested we go grab a bite to eat. I wasn't really ok with his choice but he dragged me along. In the midst of the dream getting complicated over ordering food he had LEFT
I get a call from him later mentioning some coli people, cracking jokes or whatever like everything was ok. Everything was probably ok in actuality which says more about me than what I wanted this dream to point out.
Anyway, that was the ending to that arc of my dream. I could have gone without it.
On another note, this is the scene with the calculating woman meme/gif lmao: