Queen of Swords
See, that's the thing. I dont expect people to do me wrong, I dont expect for them to be great. I try to be as neutral as possible, and expect nothing. I just said Im not waiting for someone to fail. I just dont put much weight into someone's word until they prove their words are worthy. Kinda like "prepare for the worst, but hope for the best." Perhaps I should be more vulnerable?Yep and shows you been around cats that have done you dirty for a minute on top of that. If its not serious life altering stuff (which honestly rarely happens) I always believe people until they prove they can't be trusted on stuff like,that. Even if they prove me wrong I don't hold against the next person or the person after because they're different people.

that's basically where I am now.That is why this quote is my mantra: Blessed is he that expects nothing... For he is never disappointed.
Sometimes you try to give people the benefit of the doubt... But they just keep on proving you right.
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