Season 3: Episode 15
There was a lot of situations that escalated quickly during this episode.
The struggle of Fitz and Mellie trying to be parents was just sad. We already knew that the kids had been neglected and relegated to background status but while in the past the majority of the blame was placed on Mellie not having a mothers touch, it was clear that Fitz was even more clueless when it came to the children.
Not surprising that there was some rebellion involved.
For the first time, I actually found myself liking Jake somewhat. Him verbally dragging Fitz was enjoyable. Fitz assumed that he would be able to keep Jake on a leash and have him do his bidding, but now he sees the error of his ways. Jake is on a power trip and doesn't plan on leaving the vicinity anytime soon.
Poor Cyrus.
He did try to defend James's honor, but eventually came to his senses that Jake was just doing his job.
Speaking of Jake's job, while he had a shining moment earlier in the episode, Rowan saw through the facade. It's lonely being Command and that could eventually break Jake.
Harrison...the ignorance is at an all-time high. The fact that he was so willing to trust Adnan doesn't bode well for his character. The thirst was deep with that one. I wasn't surprised that Adnan played the Gladiators- her fear of Mama Pope is very apparent.
I'm on the fence about Olivia and her Mom's relationship. I get it that Mama Pope is a hardcore chick, but the way that she responded to Olivia was as if she was some random on the street. Its all a bit heavy handed imo.
You know I thought Quinn was in a bad spot with B6-13, but now she has crazy ass Charlie obsessed with her and Huck wanting her as well. Huck> Charlie but really would either be considered a 'win?'
Well Mellie is definitely making up for lost time.

What a mess. I gotta give it to Andrew though, he called Liv out on her bullshyt- trying to throw stones when you live in a glass house?
I do hope that Olivia abandons that house though. Talk about reducing the 'Olitz' relationship to just sex and making Rowan's words ring true...
The majority of the episode Olivia was getting crapped on. However, they did try to salvage her 'fix it' capabilities by having her getting Andrew to leave and letting Fitz know that she had a job to do.
The one disappointment of the episode was Mellie and Fitz's interaction. I understand why they didn't have her telling Fitz about 'Big Jerry' but at the same time, her being completely mum about what went down wasn't the best choice either.
Much like her not putting her daughter in her place and shouldering the blame. Yes. She got caught by her daughter and trying to explain the situation would be difficult, if not impossible but again they are placing Mellie in this martyr position and it just doesn't fit.
While Fitz's thoughts about Mellie turning away from him are skewed, he did have a point when it came to him talking about her doing whatever to seek power. That is the reason as to why she hadn't told Fitz about the 'Big Jerry' situation and swept it under-the-rug.
It was good to see cameos by Ella and Teddy.
Overall, I liked this episode. I'm just hoping that next week Olivia returns to form more than anything else.