@Luchini @muse @innocentdevil @BedRoomI'z @Golden @Jasmine20 @Token @OddWomanOut
i love yall please rep me
:mad9: I can't rep you either. I'll go neg 40 people for you Char. Just you wait.
@Luchini @muse @innocentdevil @BedRoomI'z @Golden @Jasmine20 @Token @OddWomanOut
i love yall please rep me
@Luchini @muse @innocentdevil @BedRoomI'z @Golden @Jasmine20 @Token @OddWomanOut
i love yall please rep me
I can't! I have to rep 40 other people first@Luchini @muse @innocentdevil @BedRoomI'z @Golden @Jasmine20 @Token @OddWomanOut
i love yall please rep me
@Luchini @muse @innocentdevil @BedRoomI'z @Golden @Jasmine20 @Token @OddWomanOut
i love yall please rep me
It looks like she has a beard or bonnet tho lol
Lol, that's better.i went a little overboard with the shadowing lol
This guy gave me his number but I'll see him again so I can't just not call. If I text him at 9am i think that's enough for him not to ever want to talk to me again. We'll see.
Lmao he was sleep too. I kind of feel bad but not really. Damn got rid of him that quick. Might be a record.
dont ever text a guy @ 9amThis guy gave me his number but I'll see him again so I can't just not call. If I text him at 9am i think that's enough for him not to ever want to talk to me again. We'll see.
Lmao he was sleep too. I kind of feel bad but not really. Damn got rid of him that quick. Might be a record.