The Devil's Advocate
Call me Dad
I put all those in mine.... So make sure you include wires and keyboards and monitors and mice and all that in yours.....Ill build a $900 priced comparable PC when I get home from gym. Im including disk drive + 2nd controller + headset costyou know costs you retarded stans keep leaving out
Funny this whole thing started cause you volunteered the info that you can make a $700 PC and it be a PS5 Pro,.. And why I asked was to build that myself... and in that time you've tapdanced around an answer for so long, I've already copped the 4070 super, installed it and pricing the ram
Come on fam... Help me out here
nikkas spending $1500 on a pc and have to choose between watching TV and playing games cause they can't afford the monitorThis is something a high end PC user would not say.
This thread is really amazing