I'm loving the game but the more I see of it, this post ain't lying.I feel like this game is great but I see the (visual) weaknesses.
If I'm being honest, I think this was originally a cross gen game and/or many of the assets started as PS4 assets.
I also feel they were working around the weaknesses of Unreal Engine 4 which are the very weaknesses
that Unreal Engine 5 is designed to address.
Bad/Flat lighting, Small Environments, not being able to throw around a ton of polygons, low resolution textures etc.
These are largely the result of the technology being used IMO.
Rebirth also has super aggressive LOD which is jarring given how much more performant the PS5 is than a PS4.
Several dumb comments online have attributed this to the PS5 being "weak" but I think it's more a case of technology that's
really old, really showing how old it is.
With that said, when the tech shines, it REALLY shines and the character models are a cut above what's available in most other titles.
The light (that isn't baked) is also really, really good. Some scenes are lit phenomenally!
I love the motion blur too.
Gameplay wise it's taken some very clear inspiration from Assassin's Creed and The Witcher III.
Kind of amazing that these two games have influences which are still felt in 2024.
The characters look great and some of the areas are well done but others...

Like right now, I'm in a synchronization cave and some of these rock textures legit look like they haven't finished loading