Yea I'm not buying this hatred for your father when you are responsible for a regular woman being killed cause you were robbing homes and was a dumb ass who called your accomplices name out, responsible for your sister getting killed cause your sister had more heart to confront ray ray than you , responsible for kanan getting killed while you still act like kanan was "there for you" and conspired with a enemy of your family to extort them for some money. You would figure after all this dirty shyt your father having a side chick would pale in comparison to your pain for losing your sister and maybe its apart of you that could reconcile those feelings since your a scumbag yourself and forgive your father for that indiscretion.
I'm sorry tariq hate for ghost just wasnt sold well and it was too dam forced. I complained last season of these repetitive ass conversations tasha and tariq were having with ghost and the the nature of their relationship on the show wasnt growing or going anywhere. If I heard tariq or tasha have another one of those "it's all about you ghost" scenes I was going to scream. I'm sure this will be the level of the last conversation before one of them shoots him. Which is dumb.

If this kid is the new ghost/spinoff