So what's y'all opinions on the ending? Tariq is a b*tch ass character. Dre was a snake but I never disliked him as a character. The Tariq character is written poorly but I can see what they're trying to do. They basically turned him into Ghost 2.0. Same methods to become "Ghost" but with a seriously fukked up path. You can like James' path to becoming Ghost. Tariq's path just makes you ready to see him get shot da fukk up.
So who deserves more credit for how this shyt played out? Tariq, Tate, Tasha, Kanan or Ghost himself?
- Kanan twisted Tariq's mind to even wanna grow up to be "Ghost" and not Tariq St. Patrick
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@CHICAGO said, Tate is the 1 that put that BS in Tasha's head about Ghost turning Tariq in that lead to her mentioning it to Ghost and getting that idea in his head which lead to the Breeze questions and the outcome... he also pointed out Tate had 3 other setups in which he sent Ced and son + Dre separately to kill him and lied to the feds about the Terry Silver shyt... when you think about it, he's actually the only suspect to capitalize off Ghost's death

- Tasha is the 1 who supported Tariq's drug ambitions when Ghost didn't which also added to Tariq's dislike of Ghost.. she's also the 1 who didn't want Ghost to leave the drug game dating back to the 1st episode... and speaking of the 1st episode, even though Ghost reconnected with Angela that episode, Tasha was in the back of the car fingering herself for Shawn.... yet Tariq thinks Ghost started the cheatin shyt
- Tariq had it made.. why even wanna rob houses, sip lean and sell drugs with Kanan when you a spoiled rich kid? Dude's TV was inside the wall

He got his sister killed and blamed everything on his dad
- Ghost himself was selfish but savvy.... he was too smart for everyone and his own legal success made everyone envious ready to take him down...... but even when he died, they learned that they wasted their time killing him

Tate is the only 1 to be benefit from him being gone