Y'all really don't get itA redneck listening to Illmatic...ya okay
Ruth's music taste ain't strange or out of place at all
EVERYBODY listens to rap. Portrayals in shows are playing catch up to some shyt that's been going on since the 90s
Y'all really don't get itA redneck listening to Illmatic...ya okay
Illmatic Ruth!!!![]()
Don't think it's better overall then Breaking Bad. But as far as all-time discussions, it's def it. Part 2 was def a slow burner until the last episode. But it's not one skippable season. Most my all-time great shows have skippable seasons. This doesn't. So it gotta be all-time to me.
As far as this season. Didn't really care about none of those deaths until near the end. Which is surprising. Because each season has one death that just shocks me. Marty character, my goodness. I hope they don't do Jerome from Snowfall this way next year. Ngga just gave up being a man. I get the Wendy hatred. But I also get why she is the way she is. All stemming from her daddy issues. She gotta be in control because of him. And her whole family gotta feel it. She's crazy but she doesn't bother me as a villian.
Ruth- This part 2 was torture because they featured her so much. Hate her and her smart mouth. Don't mean I don't appreciate her acting and will cheer when she wins Golden Globes, Emmy's etc. Even though I don't like character, don't mean I don't recognize the greatness.
Major spoiler and ending.
MAJOR SPOILER So happy Ruth did not get a happy ending. Wish she got shot in her smart mouth. The foreshadowing with the car crash was dumb. That took away all the drama on whether Wendy's dad was going to take them. You know that wasn't happening because the car crash didn't take place.
I really wanna know what was the point about Christianity in this show (bibical names of Ruth, Jonah). God was brought up alot but I'm trying to figure out the deeper meaning. I get that they showed the priest was wrong about the sign for the car crash. And Wendy was right. But I'm sure it's something else as well. Wendy's father was a hypocrite. Her mother wasn't. I don't know. I gotta think about it.
Lastly, I'm trying to figure out why these critics saying it's a Soprano ending. It's clear Jonah popped old boy. This wasn't a mystery like Tony where it cut off. You heard the gun shot. Jonah embraced that thug life.
I wanted Spoiler free reviews of what everyone thought about the last season![]()
A redneck listening to Illmatic...ya okay
The hip hop used in this series so out of place and cringey if I'm be honest.
A young redneck white chick listening to illmatic is still forced af. Rap being the genre is not the issueY'all really don't get it
Ruth's music taste ain't strange or out of place at all
EVERYBODY listens to rap. Portrayals in shows are playing catch up to some shyt that's been going on since the 90s
dawg...if netflix pumped out shows like Ozark and House of Cards, no one would be mad about price hikes or password sharing. the content would be worth the bullshyt
I can't believe this show is over and there's no solid replacement for it. Like, this is it. I'm strongly considering just unsubbing
lots of missouri rednecks listen to rap, the part that's cringey is when her and killer mike was getting all "meta" about rap. I can't stand that silly shyt. most of these white people just throw on rap as a soundtrack to them smoking meth.A redneck listening to Illmatic...ya okay
The hip hop used in this series so out of place and cringey if I'm be honest.
i think Ruth deserved a happy ending, they pretty much killed off her whole family, shyts sad, but the same way she should have run off, like when she tried to convince her cousin and he felt comfortable and safe, not realizing the shyt he got into, ole girl running her mouth at the end was weak, her threatening them was weak, she’s in power because of them, if she kills the birds she will get snatched up by the feds, i could have lived with them killing each other at the end or letting her live,
As for the religious stuff, i think it’s to show the hypocrisy of it all, and how we follow norms without thinking, usually the biggest Bible thumpers are frauds
how can some one review without spoiling, what you want them to say great show i loved the ending, look watch it then come in this thread it’s not hard
How do you think these rappers do numbers… middle America is who most companies target, because white people love hip hop is why it gains commercial success
in the end this shyt dragged out, and could have been wrapped up sooner, the ending episode could have been the start of part two and work from there, oh well, in the end the Byrds right on top, but I’m still kind of in the dark on, ok they have the nonprofit, and political power, but to do what ?? Is he still washing money for the cartel ??
ive been needing to smash this actress since The Americans on FX, her body type trash but she do it for me
That girl/addict is stuck washing the money for the cartel. Political power? They can do whatever they want, influence who become senators etc