[Official] Obi-Wan Kenobi on Disney+. S1: 05/27/22


All Star
Jun 4, 2014
Da South
The tracker is LOLA. It’s not always with him. He literally split off from it/Leia in episode 3 And was ready to let Tala take her home. So no. There was no guarantee it would work.

Why would he not care? He’s f-king Vader at the command of a star destroyer. You using a Jordan head and acting like Jordan would just be worried about Ewing and Starks at MSG when he’s at the top of his game…get outta here.
Theres no gaurantee it would work but they confirm he is on Jabiim without a visual? Like I keep saying Vader has all the information he needs and can off Reva.Your trying to stretch her need to be there just like the writers.

And like I keep saying. He knows Reva is a traitor. If he is obsessed with getting ObiWan why send a KNOWN TRAITOR down to capture him? A basketball analogy doesn't capture that.

Its clearly a plot hole.
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Aug 17, 2012
New York City
So after the finale, I watched the entire thing again and loved it even more. This is the true sequel and bridge from "Revenge of the Sith" to "A New Hope". Even though I wanted more after it was over, it fits nicely and ties everything up. I would love a season 2 but it just works so well. I almost don't want them to water it down. But I would be fine with maybe one more season. Though I loved "Madalorian" and even "Bobafett" this was the best Star Wars Television Show Ever. I loved every episode seriously. The Vader scenes alone made this entire series worth it. Vader was done very well. Hayden did a great job coming back. This could be the last time we hear James Earl Jones in the role, Legendary sh!t. The Hate Reva got was wild, she bodied it the whole season down the end. Her story arc was crazy and how it tied to "Revenge of the Sith" was great. I love how they presented her as Sith but it was much deeper than that. Overall I was very pleased and impressed. The Action was well done between the saber battles and guns fights. It was vintage Star Wars.

Hopefully they do a "Film Edit" on the DVD for the full season because this should have been an official Episode or something. Young Luke didn't get a lot time because his interactions with Obi was limited until "A New Hope". The Little Leia story was very crucial because it shows why he was so adamant to seek Obi's help. Him rescuing her has a huge impact her. Because this was a Prequel to "A New Hope" we knew Obi and Vader wasn't going to die but the fights were really good. When Obi got dragged in the fire, I was like Damn. Of course it wasn't better than the "Sith" fight but Obi was weaker and Vader was toying with him again. Love the last fight too. Overall I liked it a lot even down to Ol Girl being an Imperial Spy. Young Cube was getting it in. It just worked to me because I always wanted to see Vader on the Hunt for the Jedi's One of the biggest reason "Rogue One" blew up was the Vader Scenes. There's been plenty of books about it in the past. As for Vader having an Apprentice, Lucas made Starkiller from "The Force Unleashed" canon before the Disney Sale plus there were books with stories in that timegap between "Sith" and "Hope". But good job, enjoyed it.



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Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
Theres no gaurantee it would work but they confirm he is on Jabiim without a visual? Like I keep saying Vader has all the information he needs and can off Reva.Your trying to stretch her need to be there just like the writers.

And like I keep saying. He knows Reva is a traitor. If he is obsessed with getting ObiWan why send a KNOWN TRAITOR down to capture him? A basketball analogy doesn't capture that.

Its clearly a plot hole.
What does it matter if she’s a traitor? How is she a threat to him(she couldn’t even kill the Grand Inquisitor)?Governments let foreign operatives work as a means of keeping an eye on them and accessing capabilities.

She’s being put in a cave and you from your ship literally have the high ground from space to wipe them out, a destroyer of soldiers, and you are Darth Freakin Vader.

Assuming Vader knows her intentions he knows she’s not going to do anything against Obi Wan which is all he cares about.

It’s not a plot hole. You just didn’t think they did a good job checking every box of the “ why didn’t…” which can be done in every movie ever made.
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Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
no gaurantee it would work but they confirm he is on Jabiim without a visual? Like I keep saying Vader has all the information he needs and can off Reva.Your trying to stretch her need to be there just like the writers.
They know Lola is with him cause she knows they only had one ship to escape on.

Jabim didn’t seem like a place with a bunch of cities to hide it so they know where he is.

But since you just got your Inquistor base shot up by a spy, Jedi, and two ships. Let’s send the one person (and a hand full of guards) you don’t care about as lambs to test the defense.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
This is the Obi Wan I wanted to see :ohlawd:
Took Vader back to school again :banderas:

Thank You. Obi stay ethering Vader. Lowkey he never lost a full battle.

Beat Anakin in Training
Beat Anakin in Sith
Beat Vader in Obi (Though I'd give Vader the first fight slightly)
Committed Suicide to save Luke and Leia in A New Hope (Forfeit)

Basically Obi took Vader to school constantly. But Vader was more powerful than him. And yes Vader went in on him in this story because Obi was clearly weaker mentally after Order 66 and losing Anakin. Obi was just wise and smarter. Anakin was always a hot head and overly emotional.



Brooklyn the planet...
May 2, 2012
Brooklyn son
That last fight was the best Star Wars scene ever. Absolutely. The relationship between Anakin/Vader and Kenobi is a complex and tragic one. That exchange where the last bit of Anakin slips out and says “I am not your failure Obi Wan” was both him letting Obi wan know he can forgive himself, but also it was defiance from his new Vader persona. Anakin “died” when he chop off Mace Windu hand and allowed the Emperor to throw him out the window. Anakin died when he took the 501st to the Jedi Temple and slaughtered younglins. Hayden acting was top notch. In the flash back with Reva he hesitates for a brief second then he assures himself of his new Vader persona and strikes her down. Even when Obi Wan apologized to him “for all of it” Anakin nods in acknowledgement of it and accepts it. But Anakin is full of self hatred. He was a slave. He had this power but he could save his mother. He has all this power but the Jedi limit him. He has all this power but he couldn’t save Padme or his baby (in his mind he doesn’t know about Luke and Leia). He has all this power but Obi wan always beats him because Obi is better trained. Vader is more powerful but he is hampered by his injuries. He uses the force to keep the intense pain at bay. That smile when he said I did…. That when Obi gave up on Anakin and calls him Darth. He wasn’t fighting to kill Anakin, he was hoping to save him.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
Don't now if this was posted, someone edited the "Battle of Heroes" music from Episode III in the final fight. It works better than the new music though I liked John Williams new Theme for the show:

I know this is suppose to be after Episode III so they used new music but Episode music should of been used here or there, it's just that good.

John killed this right here.
May 27, 2012
Obi-Wan is always beating nikkas that are above his weight class. Unless Darth Vader was just on some, I'm weaker around people connected to my old life because Anakin pops up, makes him emotional and therefore makes him more vulnerable.

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
Obi-Wan is always beating nikkas that are above his weight class. Unless Darth Vader was just on some, I'm weaker around people connected to my old life because Anakin pops up, makes him emotional and therefore makes him more vulnerable.

That's about half of it. Also while Anakin may be more powerful and naturally talented Obi Wan is better trained and more experienced. Obi Wan earned his knighthood in blood when he was a padawan, Anakin is entitled and thinks it should be given to him.

High key Obi Wan has an impressive resume. Darth Maul x2, General Grievous, Darth Vader x2. Most people in the Star Wars world can't say they've beaten not one but 2 sith lords and a certified killer(Grievous) like Obi Wan can, dude got a hall of fame career.
May 27, 2012
That's about half of it. Also while Anakin may be more powerful and naturally talented Obi Wan is better trained and more experienced. Obi Wan earned his knighthood in blood when he was a padawan, Anakin is entitled and thinks it should be given to him.

High key Obi Wan has an impressive resume. Darth Maul x2, General Grievous, Darth Vader x2. Most people in the Star Wars world can't say they've beaten not one but 2 sith lords and a certified killer(Grievous) like Obi Wan can, dude got a hall of fame career.
Lol that's exactly my point. It would basically be like if Joe Johnson beat Kobe, Duncan and LeBron to win multiple championships :russ:

Obi-wan was a Padawan to Qui-Gon Jinn (which might be the nerdest sentence you could read out loud) Qui-Gon gets murked by Maul and moments later Obi-wan gave him the business. So I guess the explanation there is that Qui-Gon is strong with the force, but his saber game was weak?

He beats Grievous who has probably killed dozens of Jedi. Didn't he fight Maul again with his brother multiple times? Lived to tell the tell. Maul's brother got plenty of Jedi bodies too. He wasn't no chump.

I'm no Star Wars fanatic so I'm just rolling with the punches but seems like the only L he's taken is to Dooku twice. Other than that, Obi-wan might have the best W-L record in Star Wars lol

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
Lol that's exactly my point. It would basically be like if Joe Johnson beat Kobe, Duncan and LeBron to win multiple championships :russ:

Obi-wan was a Padawan to Qui-Gon Jinn (which might be the nerdest sentence you could read out loud) Qui-Gon gets murked by Maul and moments later Obi-wan gave him the business. So I guess the explanation there is that Qui-Gon is strong with the force, but his saber game was weak?

He beats Grievous who has probably killed dozens of Jedi. Didn't he fight Maul again with his brother multiple times? Lived to tell the tell. Maul's brother got plenty of Jedi bodies too. He wasn't no chump.

I'm no Star Wars fanatic so I'm just rolling with the punches but seems like the only L he's taken is to Dooku twice. Other than that, Obi-wan might have the best W-L record in Star Wars lol

Yeah Obi Wan got washed by Dooku, but even Sidious wouldn't have been quick to run the Dooku fade either, so that oughta tell you what you need to know about Dooku.

Obi Wan isn't a weak jedi by any means though let's not act like he's fukking Jeremy Lin or Kirk Cousins status now he's definitely elite if not damn near close to it.