Legit question:
do all the people here that hates "flippy shyt" hate that Keith Lee have those types of elements in his moveset?

These two could main event Wrestlemania in the next 5-7 years
Good question, I can understand the critique when it's done without psychology, but high flying shyt it's self I've liked since the wcw cruiserweightsLegit question:do all the people here that hates "flippy shyt" hate that Keith Lee have those types of elements in his moveset?
Keith saved ol boy's life on that Fosbury. He was about to come down on that apron and Keith snatched him up like an attentive parent with a rambunctious child.
He should only bring it out in big matchesLegit question:do all the people here that hates "flippy shyt" hate that Keith Lee have those types of elements in his moveset?