God just call Johnny up already. This is his 3rd heel turn in a little over a year. He's gone through the redemption arc 3 times. He's won all the titles. He's been in all the gimmick matches. There's nothing left to do with him. He's even lost a loser leaves town match.
Ciampa/Gargano 8 with Gargano as heel and Ciampa as face isn't going to cut it for me.
Bianca going from undefeated for however long that lasted to long enough it got her a face turn and seem like she was going to be the one to dethrone Shayna to losing that match and going on to lose EVERY single big match for the next year and get completely randomly turned heel again with no angle but still running the same gimmick is just

I really can't figure out what the plan is for her at this point. Adding her to the WM match? Having her win a number one contender match at the WM Takeover? Call up and do the same thing on Raw/SD for a year or two? It's just weird because it seemed like they were so high on her and she had so much momentum and it was intentionally derailed for reasons I can't figure out.