Kingdom Hearts 3D is mad underrated. Shows what the 3DS is capable of. The actual 3D on it is some of the best I've witnessed on the console to date. I felt like enemies were flying towards my face at times, and it has a Shin Megami Tensei like feature where you can fuse different abilities to create creatures to aid you in battle, and you use the 3DS camera to nurture those creatures in order for them to give you more experience points to buy more abilities, but I find it's easier to upgrade them mid battle because they level up a lot faster than you. The soundtrack by Yoko Shimomura is also great, and even rivals that of the main entries at times, and if you have the proper headphones, the game is a feast for the ears. The combat system is dope too, and is sort of a preview for what's to come with Kingdom Hearts 3. Only thing, I wish Sora and Riku visited different locations from one another instead of having you go to the same place twice and fighting the same boss over again, but at least the cutscenes and paths are varied between the two. Overall, for 30 bucks, this game is a steal. I ended up paying 50 bucks for it when I thought it was permanently out of print, but I still feel I got my money's worth.
On the side, I've been playing Pokemon Y (on the last gym), and it's been a great ride. After I finish those two, I'll get started on A Link Between Worlds and then be ready for Smash when it drops this summer.