Midnight Sky was trash....
Might be global warmingnot sure
the movie doesn't explain and from what I understand the book it's based on doesn't either
Might be global warming
Well that might explain why it hadn’t reached the Arctic yet and why there was radio silence with the space explorers. Global warming is a slow processI've read some theories it might be nuclear fallout
They gonna be on some gully shyt for them face cards watch
Watching I Am Mother, seems quite intriguing so far
Watching I Am Mother, seems quite intriguing so far
Alice in borderland was dope..but it’s definitely one of those shows/comics or whatever
that can definitely be on some bullshyt by like season 4 with all new characters with everyone just dying left and right and new people being thrown walking dead show/comics
so I’ll try not to get too invested since I’m sure that’s the direction the manga kinda goes lol
How was it? Added it to my list a lil while ago but haven't watched it yet