Rebel Soldier
He’s good
Pretty disturbing movie.

Pretty disturbing movie.
Imagine the level of institutionalized insanity that had to line up for this movie to happen.
Some sick fukk had to write the script, then some other sick fukks had to fund it, then they had to find a sick fukk director and a cast of sick fukk actors, then they had to find a sick fukk distributor, then sick fukks had to watch the movie and go 'ooooh best movie of the year!!!'
And now it's going to rely on sick fukk to pay to watch it to turn a profit.
This kind of shyt explains how Roman Polanski got away with what he did. Everyone in Hollywood is so fukking diseased in the head
At least with Human Centipede or A Serbian Film, they're kind of winking at the audience
This film is actually trying to pass itself off as art
And everyone involved in making it is so sick they thought it was a good idea to exploit what happened to this girl irl in the hopes of winning critical acclaim
it makes my fukking head hurt
Man, I slept hard on the Adventrues of Tintin. It's like watching an animated version of Indiana Jones.
Is Being Human any good? I watched the first few EP's but i cant tell if its going to be good or not