Official Nas Thread

KiD WavE

All Star
Jun 9, 2012
Southeast Ohio
Can someone explain to me where Nas unreleased tracks come from and where to find them ? I feel like with other artists all this unreleased stuff was on mixtapes but theres just all kinda classic Nas songs floating around youtube and I dont know where they come from or where to download them.
Dec 3, 2015
Not really beefing but a little brotherly rivalry

What I've discovered is my brother's tryin to be
the next me, yeah I support him but he's blinded I see
jealousy he love me to death am I buggin I love him for life
We both still mournin on our mother's, life
Thanks...for some reason I always felt like this part of the song was directed at 'Mega from the "brother" who's jealous and trying to be the next Nas in addition to the fact that Mega had also lost his mother. It's probably more of a reach, but it felt that way given that Nas has never gone at Jungle on record at any other point to my knowledge. :manny:


Jun 22, 2014
I don't recall that.

Littles had some issues with Lakey, back when Lakey was still working closely with Nas. I don't think I've ever heard him speak on Nas in a negative light, though. Or at all really. :yeshrug:

@ :48


MVRemix: I noticed you started getting a real buzz when you dropped your mixtape joints, like The Feeding, as you said.

Littles: Yeah, that�s the first move I did. After I left Nas, I went to Havoc's crib, and got Mobb Deep on one or two songs. I found Nature and did a joint with him. All of the producers I was dealing with, I was having all these artists come to their house to lay their verses. During all of that I was filming everything for the DVD. I also got some old footage of Nas from like '91 - packaged it up, and The Feeding took off. Distributors started calling me wanting to buy the masters, and I started to get a lot of press. What I did though is, I went out and found all the mom and pop stores. I would rent an Excursion, my brother Bandana and me, we would put our money together and get flyers, we had hot sauce and toilet tissue with our name on it, and we would drove all the way from New York to Miami finding every mom and pop store. That was our first trip, and we would just pull into every state - not knowing anybody. We would pull into Richmond, Virginia, on a Friday night and ask cats, 'Yo, we are at this hotel, do you know where the mom and pops stores are? We'll smoke some weed with you, give you some CD's, whatever'. Then the next morning we would link up with the people and they would run use into every mom and pop store they had in the town. shyt, after years of that, now I got over three thousand stores! I got stores that Kay Slay and all of them can't even get into, because they put out slim cases, and I put thick cases out with barcodes on them. But this trip I'm on now is my most focused one. I never focused on Soundscan before, I would just put them out and get money. But this trip, I'm banking on all of the stores I deal with to submit my numbers to Soundscan.


MVRemix: What else do you have going on in the future?

Littles: I got a movie that we are shooting, which is called The Block. That is coming with Streets Will Listen. The Block is crazy! Because I'm pro Queens Bridge, and sometimes I get a little bothered when I hear so many people from my projects keep using and forcing Queens Bridge in their rhymes to sell records, when they really don't do nothing for our background. Ron Artest and me are the only people that do things for the projects. I'm not where Nas and Mobb Deep are financially or visibly, but I can afford to put up anywhere from three thousand to twenty five hundred dollars for certain things and kids activities, and Ron Artest does the same thing. So this year, from ages 12 to 15, we are having this basketball tournament, and Ron is going to be involved. What's going to happen is, the winners from New York, I'm flying them to Compton. I got a friend over there named Bones, and I think he is on the road with Game, I believe. But we are going to fly Queens Bridge kids to Compton to play the kids over there. Then we are flying the Compton kids to play in Queens Bridge. Its going to be the best out of three for the championship. So I do things, and I'm really into pulling young kids out of the ghetto. When Nas comes to the project�see, this is what the world should know. They are all good dudes, I'm a good dude, but when I even come back to the projects I'm a star to the people who are still there. Imagine if they were to come back, because they don't even come back. People in the projects would look at them like they are Eminem. These people are stars to people living in the projects. But they force Queens Bridge down the worlds throats, and its like they are not really living what they are saying. And what I mean by that is, there is an 11 or 12 year old kid that is in Queens Bridge that wants to do some things with his life, but he or she is trapped. It may take one extra computer in the recreational center that could turn one kids life around. I respect people who give back to where they are from. And its not like its going to cost you your whole bank account, because it�s a write off. Whatever artist doesn't know that they can write that shyt off is just ignorant and is on a big level for nothing! Any money that I bring back to Queens Bridge, I get back some how. It goes towards some of the taxes I have to pay at the end of the years. If it wasn't for Queens Bridge, none of us would be who we are. Nas wouldn't be who he is. Queens Bridge is the first place that Nas found his rhyme book, and all those ill stories of his life to talk about. (Littles starts rapping) "Cormega was the nicest in the hood when we was growing, Nas used to preach to me when I was blowing up. Telling me I need to pump my breaks a little, slow it up". Its true! Cormega was the NICEST in our project growing up! Then he went to jail, and Nas took over lyrically. And I buy their music - for five years in jail I had Nas and Mobb Deep on my wall. Because I loved them, I respected what they were doing, and I was a fan. Not only were they my friends, I was a fan of their music. Now I'm home and I'm doing me. Littles - Reloaded - May 31.

MVRemix Interviews - Littles | Online Rap Magazine | US and Canadian Underground Hip Hop and Soul - exclusive interviews, reviews, articles

seems like he was trying ride Nas's coattails before he got with Mobb and Nas was like:stopitslime::skip:

@ 3:45 says nas didn't have time for him



Sep 10, 2012
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