they got some new doc out...

I saw a poster in another thread say, "you can't attack bron's character like mj's so you dissect his game."Late cause i wanted to let this digest and let everyone get what they didn't like out of their system before i commented. Overall this was a great documentary especially for younger fans who didn't witness or know how great Jordan and the Bulls were in the 90's. People mad that this was a Jordan fluff piece should have known this was going to be from his perspective so why would he agree to shyt on himself or his legacy? They addressed all of the shyt that people try to hate on him for minus the Michael Jordan supports prisons thing that can be debunked with a simple google search. I guess more people would have been satisfied if Jordan would have admitted his father died as a result of a hit or that he was suspended for 18 months or some other shyt they want to believe. I guess cause the most we got was him admitting that it was food poisoning and not the flu then some are disappointed. Guessing if he said he was hungover the reaction would have been better or something? They did go a little extra on Pippen i will admit but overall this was a good doc to fill all the dead space with no sports. I suppose if some want something exposing Jordan as some kind of tyrannical madman would have to think that something like that would NOT have his involvement in it.
Been binge watching Game of Thrones the past week and MJ seems like a character straight out of this shyt.
I guess cause the most we got was him admitting that it was food poisoning and not the flu then some are disappointed.
Whatever Jordan ate that disagreed with him, whatever mountain bug got up his nose, whether it was flu or fatigue or frustration, the officially diagnosed viral gastroenteritis, or whether it was a grand ruse, it ought to be passed around to the rest of the Bulls, who now need to win only one game at home to finish the Drive for Five.
An update on Michael Jordan's condition was unnecessary. All anyone had to do Wednesday, was look at his eyes--sad, baggy slits that told of a sleepless night and a long day.
What they did not tell, of course, was how much a bad pizza and an upset stomach would limit him. A more reliable barometer was Jordan's history, and that, more than anything, precipitated not merely a good game from Jordan but a great one.
they got some new doc out...
Im rewatching a bit of this documentary in the mornings (working from home)...there's a lot of little things I missed the first time around
Goat shyt
I was there,JoJo English start heckling MJ at first. Jordan was only there to participate in the three point contest and judge the slam dunk contest which JoJo was in,Jojo decided to do the kiss the rim dunk and the crowd went wild and he look at Jordan.Jordan calmly took of his ashley wash jacket and showed him how all his dunks are suppose to be done.Jojo tried the free throw dunk but missed.Jordan dunk from the free-throw and then pointed at the Jordans he had on and told JoJo he needed some of them maybe he probably made the dunk.